over 11 years ago
Valentine Assignment

I am walking my bike into the school through the parking lot doors. Gary tells me which door works, which is the right one. He is in gym class, waiting for his classmates to follow him from the field. I try to park my bike in the hallway, but I realize it would get stolen if I just left it here. I run into the same situation leaving it outside, though, so I hide it in a little hallway that leads down to an exit under the stairs that no one uses. At least I figure that no one uses it based on the hundreds of cobwebs that fill the space. Jessica sees me and I explain to her what I’m doing so she doesn’t freak out and tell a teacher that I’m breaking into somewhere where I don’t belong.
The fire alarm suddenly goes off, naturally, and kids flood into the once unused hall, trampling my bike on the way outside.
I go to Mr. Fickers’ room [which looks like the Foods room on the inside], where Mrs. Kale is teaching. Bell and Landra are in this class, making Valentines gifts. I assume it isn’t for a grade, and beings I had no one to give my gift to, I decide not to make one. Near the end of class, five minutes left and no more, I find out that it /is/ for a grade. I ask Bell what to do, and she explains that we have to make gifts out of whatever is in the classroom. So, I scramble to grab two paper towels from the center of a roll in my back pack, and use tiny clippers to make them heart shaped. I ask Bell to hand me a better pair of scissors, the ones on the teacher’s desk right next to us would work splendidly. She doesn’t hear me, so I swap my clippers out. As soon as I do, though, both Bell and the teacher tell me that in order to do that I need to pay a quarter. I don’t have a quarter anyways, even though the concept sounds absurd. Back to the little purple scissors I go. I say, “I can’t do that,” to paying a quarter, which makes Mrs. Kale look guilty. I intended to glue the towels together, turn it inside out, and stuff it with poly fill. I thought it’d be a nice pillow.
However, the bell rights before I can finish and Mrs. Kale takes the project away from me. She says because of my creativity she will give me some time tomorrow to finish it. Bell tells me that it is supposed to be a dish or something that holds something. I reply with, “Well, I guess I could have made it into a purse, that holds candy.” They laugh with me about it, and go on their own way.
I don’t know where I need to go next, so I look in my planner for my schedule. I find my locker number and my lucker combination, which are 9 and 8-5-12 respectively, but when I go to the locker in the senior hall and put in the code, it won’t open. I walk down the hall and look at the bookshelves, where I find my real planner propped on one of the shelves. I can tell by the doodle on the cover. I swap the planners out, then look for my real locker and combination. 1 and 5-8-12. Still though, I can’t find my schedule. I go to Mr. Donie’s class and ask if I am in his next class. He looks at his book, finds my last name’s first initial, and confirms that my name is not in his registers for this time period.
Ashley and Charlie talk to me in the hall. They tell me that we’re going to the same class- which is Mr. Fickers, or so I thought until they go to Mr. Fend’s. We walk into the classroom and I sit in front of Adem. The back of my chair slipped between my back and my shirt, which is incredibly annoying, but I can’t do anything about it unless I want to stand up. I choose to ignore it.
Larry puts a text book on my desk and sits to my left. “Pull up your pants, Stephanie!” he says to me jokingly.
“My pants /are/ up,” I reply, making sure my shirt is still down over the chair. He and some of the others laugh before Mr. Fend shuts off the light and starts a movie.
In the movie, there are three hillbillies that are trying to catch fish in a swamp with one huge net. One lifts the rim of the net on the left side of this lake-like area, and starts pulling it toward their house on the right. The net is so huge that it covers the entire pond. The aim is to catch enough fish to survive the entire winter.
Now their house is on stilts in the water in the center of the pond. I, a middle aged man, am pulling the net while walking along the bank, the other man is walking in the water. He sees minnows and two big bass in the net. He sees a snapping turtle and tries to catch it, but the turtle latches onto the man’s finger and it becomes a bloody mess. The turtle is only the size of a quarter, so he tries to rip it off his finger, but it is not willing to let go without taking the finger with it. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Day of September 21st, 2012
Real-life characters: Gary, Jessica, Mrs. Kale, Bell, Landra, Mr. Donie, Ashley, Charlie, Mr. Fend, Adem, Larry.
Dream-created characters: Gary’s gym class, hillbillies.
Real-life places: High school, parking lot door, stairs, senior hallway, foods room, Mr. Fend’s classroom.
Dream-created places: Underneath-the-stairs exit, swamp, pond/lake, house in swamp.
Different than real life: I have graduated high school and haven’t been back since, with the exception of Bell I have lost contact with everyone in this dream/never had contact with them at all, Mrs. Kale never taught in Mr. Fickers’ room, I never rode my bike to school.
Planner = I was looking through my old planners from high school a few days ago.
Reoccurring: No.
Precognitive: No experiences yet.

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