over 9 years ago
Which Class?

I am carrying a stack of books that I found in the high school library down the freshman hallway. Every classroom in this hall is a literature class. I have no idea which class I should attend to fit the books I have picked out. I figure the only way I’ll know is to ask a teacher.
I ask a female teacher named Mrs. Bliss, who after examining my book choices- particularly a book based on Jewish culture, tells me to go to Mr. Donie’s class.
I go to his room [which is where the spanish room should be] and, since the door is closed, I knock. The first time I knock I figure I did so so lightly that no one heard me, so I knock again. When my second knock goes unanswered, I knock once more and continue to wait patiently.
Three kids push right past me into the room, leaving me flabbergasted. I complain out loud to myself, then to a random girl who is listening to me from a line not far from this classroom. The line is for a clerk’s desk, who seems to be passing out food tickets. Mary is at the desk now, getting her tickets. The girl laughs with me about my situation, making me happy that I made a random person’s day a little brighter with my oddity.
I finally push into the room myself and ask Mr. Donie, who hurriedly carries a stack of papers over to the projector and starts fiddling with the knobs, if he has a moment.
He looks over my books, and suggests different teachers, even suggesting Mrs. Bliss. I’m a bit disappointed, because this class looks fun. I wish he would have suggested himself.
Then I go to the campground because my car battery needs to be charged, and I need Dad’s help with it. Dad tells me that I should learn for myself some time, and I answer that I /do/ want to know.
I point out a cop car near one of the campers that Dad didn’t notice. We drive by in the Ranger from the garage. We drive around the camper, checking things out, then around to the back of the house. He asks the woman camp host about the cop car and if she knows anything about it, and she tells him she has no clue.
Dad plugs in a cable into the back of the house, and I get distracted by two puppies that are inside the fence around the pool. He asks the camp host if she knows who’s dogs they are or why they’re there, and she again tells him she doesn’t know. I go into the pool area, and after saying hi to the pups, I use the excuse that I’m there to dive into the water. I swim under water, staying near the bottom for as long as I can, twirling and darting. After a bit I get out and carry the puppies and three diving masks over to Dad. I tuck the masks under a towel on a shelf just outside the box that Dad has the battery plugged into. I watch him fiddle with the cord, pulling out fuses and flipping switches on the end of it- trying to learn what he’s doing.
Then I’m in the locker room with Samantha and Chane. Sam comments that I look like I had a long day, and I tell her about having to go to my Dad’s this morning to charge my car battery. She initiates a towel snapping fight to cheer me up, and Chane somehow gets dragged into the middle of it. I hide behind him as Sam tries to snap me. It’s fun. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of January 15th, 2015
Real-life characters: Mr. Donie, Mary, Dad, camp host, Samantha, Chane.
Dream-created characters: Mrs. Bliss, three kids, people in line, girl who listens to me, two puppies.
Real-life places: High school library, freshman hall, campground, pool, locker room (in the Aud).
Dream-created places: None.
Different than real life: Mr. Donie’s room is at the end of the freshman hall- not where the Spanish room is, I never went into the Spanish room, there isn’t a ticket booth in the place that I dreamt there was, there isn’t a ticket clerk in the high school at all, I haven’t been inside the high school since I graduated four years ago, I haven’t talked to Mr. Donie Mary nor Sam in roughly four years, Chane wasn’t my friend in high school and we’d never get into a towel fight together- let alone talk really, it’s winter so it’s not swimming season- it’s been a long time since I swam in that pool.
Reoccurring: No.
Precognitive: No experiences yet.

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