almost 10 years ago
Muso Latte

Mom tries to pick me up at the middle school, which I am standing outside of in the middle of the night. She enters the auditorium, thinking I was waiting for her in there, and ends up getting lost. I know there are a lot of stairs and a loft in there, which is really hard to find the exit of. So, I go inside to help her. After searching the main floor and the loft, I go up to the third floor to see if she found her way all the way up there since I haven’t found her yet.
There is acting practice going on up here, at least seventy people in the gym-like floor divided into groups of two to four, practicing lines. I see Jared Padalecki from behind. He’s in a black shirt and jeans, Supernatural season 1 hair. I don’t see his face but I know it’s him, his height is unmistakable. I try not to be to obvious about the butterflies in my stomach. I look around the locker rooms and around the gym for my mom, but when I can’t find her, I decide to find one of my guy friends and talk to him for a minute. Maybe he’s seen her or something, and maybe could tell me about Jared. And then it hits me: if Jared is here… then maybe Jensen Ackles is here as well. I spot him when I’m just a few steps away from my friend. He’s in a suit, kinda like he’s Dean Smith or something. I realize he’s the director of this entire operation. I reach my friend and try to inconspicuously point in Jensen’s direction, asking with my eyes why my friend didn’t tell me about Jensen freaking Ackles being in town.
“Looks like someone has a crush,” Jensen says disdainfully. I feel my face go hot. He had walked up right behind me and I didn’t realize. He wasn’t implying that I have a crush on him, but rather that me and my friend have crushes on each other- which is in effect making us both waist our time. I’m just the coffee girl, I’m not supposed to do more than caffeinate the actors- yet here I am, talking to my friend and keeping him from doing his job.
“I was just asking him if he wanted coffee,” I somberly lie. “Would you like anything, sir?” I ask director Jensen, suddenly feeling much less fan-girly and more scorned. He whispers in my hear that he wants a muso latte. I nod and start to walk toward the direction of the exit. I don’t fully know it, but the reason for Jensen’s disdain toward me talking to my friend is because of jealousy, not over-zealous work rhetoric. A different friend of mine, a guy similar to the novel character Isaac from The Fault in Our Stars, walks next to me and bumps my arm with his elbow. He’s much taller than me, dresses darkly, and doesn’t talk much. He helps me understand what the hell a muso is though, which I’m grateful for.
I go to the store which is inside the large building I am in, similar to a university where all the boarding, a convenience store, food places, and classrooms are all in the same place. At the register I try to make my little money stretch as far as I can. I buy the least hard or soggy hotdog-in-a-bun-on-a-stick-with-cheese hanging up like beef jerky that I can find, and order Jensen’s “muso latte”. I collect my food and wait for the guy to give me the “muso meal”, but he informs me that the muso includes a burger that has to cook for at least two hours. I mutter under my breath what an idiot Jen is, because now I’m going to end up standing here for freaking hours waiting for his stupid burger and latte combo. He’s probably not even going to be there when I finally arrive to deliver his food. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of June 19th, 2014
Real-life characters: Mom, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles.
Dream-created characters: Acting people, friend, Isaac-like friend, guy checking me out at the store.
Real-life places: Middle school, street between middle school and Aud, Aud.
Dream-created places: First two levels of the Aud, store place.
Different than real life: The Aud is only one level not three- and the third level is what the first level really looks like, I haven’t been in the Aud since 2010, I haven’t been in the middle school in more years than I can remember, my mom hasn’t “picked me up” in years, I’ve never met Jensen or Jared, as far as I know there was never anything acting related going on in the Aud, muso is not a latte or meal, I’ve never bought a hotdog-in-a-bun-on-a-stick-with-cheese.
Jensen and Jared = I’ve been thinking about Supernatural a lot lately, and looking at a lot of related posts on Tumblr.
Isaac from TFIOS = Just finished the book and watched the movie not but a few days ago.
Reoccurring: No.
Precognitive: No experiences.

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