almost 11 years ago
House Alarm, Murdurous Teachers, Scrap Wall Quarantine

I am at my uncle and aunt's house, showing my mom a box full of items I think she'd like. I show her a small model house among the stuff. I remark how it looks a lot like my uncle's house, which is two stories tall with four windows on the front. There's an alarm box on the upper right corner of the house, that also looks like a small version of the house. Unlike the version in my hand, this one is the size of two chairs put together. My uncle flips a switch, the the alarm house-box lowers to the ground right in front of the front door. My mom pulls on the roof, and opens the small house up. Inside is a bizarre hall that goes so far down I can't possibly see the bottom. Lining the wall of this hole are key holes. On my key-chain, I have an odd shaped key that will fit one of the key holes. I have to reach my arm deep inside to reach the right hole, and despite my fear of falling in or somehow loosing my arm via an unseen booby trap, I manage to get the key turned. The house's windows and front light up as though a projector was shining on it, displaying my computer screen which happened to be left on the last image I googled, the periodic table. I switch it over to googled images of flowers. The screen is to small for me to really be able to navigate, and change it to something cool. So, I remove my key. I put my key in another key hole, which reveals all of the hidden key holes. Every inch of the inside of this hole is covered in locks. I don't have time to try every one, so I close the lid, and leave my uncle and mom to put it back up. Quarantine
I am now in Mrs. Slimire's classroom which is being taught by the art teacher Mr. Carmen. I'm enjoying the pleasant, normal class until he and his assistance pull out knives and begin attacking us. Students are screaming, but all staying in their seats. They slash at our heads and instead hit our artwork. The assistant walks over to the light switch and flips it off. I immediately get under the table for protection. With the light coming from under the door, I see Mr. Carmen's feet right in front of my face as he searches for me. Suddenly the lights come on, and Mr. Carmen and his assistant sit me and a boy's table. Mr. Carmen explains it was all a test, so I crawl into my chair and watch him closely, making sure it's not a trick to kill me. Mr. Carmen says that I was the fastest thinker, getting under the table, and the boy sitting next to me was the most resourceful. Our artwork, however is cut in half. The boy manages to make his blue sparkly pom pom thing look good again using toilet paper, and I do the same to mine to make it pristine.
The bells ring and everyone leaves for lunch. Before I leave, I see four cups sitting on one of the tables. I try to pick them up to be courteous. The boy gets them for me instead, being kind to me, and asks me what I want to do with them. I tell him to put them in the sink, and explain we don't have to clean them just that it would be nice to pick them up. But, a girl at the sink with glasses on insists that we clean them, so I start cleaning. The boy asks me if we should say hi to the girl that is still working hard at her seat. The glasses girl says not to talk to her, but I say sure, why not? I'm kind of jealous that he's giving someone else attention now, but I think to myself it's not like I have any right to tell him what to do. He says hi, and she tells him to leave her alone. She says she's just trying to get her stupid paper done. I offer to help her. She tells me she needs graph paper. The girl with glasses finds huge tiled graph paper in a rainbow of colors under the sink. The assignment girl draws a sloppy wide arrow on the page, which frustrates me and the glasses girl. The boy doesn't mind, though, he actually likes her. He leaves with her in his car, and the boy is now my ex Leon. I "follow" them halfway unintentionally, running into them at stops signs. I get all turned around, and end up at a puppet show. They're not there. I see little kids putting money in a plastic bag in the hands of a slender freakish guy sitting in the doorway of a camper. The man and his wife, after they are sure everyone has paid up, tell the kids that the puppets won't come. They try to take out all of the money with the intention of only giving back the non-money items the kids put in the sack to pay. I snatch the bag from them before they can take out the money, and hand back the payments to the kids. Most of it is gold coins and bills, but there are some other things like headphones, a star trek pin, and lots of rainbow seashells.
I now go back to school and park. I join a crowd of friends. I tell them I must get to the guy, who is now no longer Leon, whom is across town waiting for me in a park. Me and my friends, me now becoming on of my girliest friends instead of myself, run down the streets. I'm fastest, so I run ahead of everyone. I come up to a tall wall made of scrap metal, which makes absolutely no sense. There's no reason there would be a huge wall blocking the streets toward the park on the outskirts of town. I unbar and untie a gate opening in the wall, but at the bottom there is a padlock that I can't get open. I look to my left to find that five hooded men are staring at me. I get the feeling they are part of a dark cult. I stop pulling at the gate, realizing they are the ones that put this thick wall here in the first place. They chuckle at my defeat, and walk away smugly. I run in fear of them in the opposite direction, hoping I can just go around the wall, but I soon realize the wall goes all the way around the entire town, not just blocking this one street. I panic when I see that I'm sandwiched in a section that has walls on both sides of me, and when I turn to go back the way I came a gate is closed and locked. I panic, I am stuck. I can't get back to my friends within the barrier, and I can't get out. I'm stuck in the wall. I see wire black shelves that I figure I can climb like a latter, and use them to get up and over the gate which has a gap just above it and the rest of the wall that stretches a mile into the sky, to the inside of the barrier. Through the gate I see Nicolas Cage, who is black and the president, within the barrier. He's with my friends. He tells me to wait for someone to come help me. They suddenly get attacked with fire magic, and Nicolas Cage leaves to fight the foes as my friends run away. I'm not just going to sit here and wait to be rescued. I climb up the shelves, squeezing through the top shelf to try and squeeze through the gap above the gate, but I get stuck in the shelves. I panic again, just hanging there stuck, vulnerable, and helpless. Nicolas Cage, whom is now done fighting the fire mages, comes back and tells me to lean back. I do so, and the shelves tip backwards. I land on my feet and the shelf slips right off of me. Somehow Nicolas opens the gate, and I am able to rejoin the quarantined town. Nicolas Cage tells me that the black box on the ground next to us, the size of a small jewelry box, is Jesus.
Also, at some point I make out with R from Warm Bodies. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of May 26th, 2013
Real-life characters: Mom, uncle, Mr. Carmen, Leon, Nicolas Cage, R.
Dream-created characters: Assistant, boy, other students, glasses girl, working girl, school friends, girly girl that I become, hooded men.
Real-life places: Uncle's house, Mrs. Slimire's classroom, streets.
Dream-created places: Wall of scrap metal.
Different than real life: My uncle's house does not look like what I saw in this dream, it doesn't have an alarm system in the shape of a house, I graduated two years ago, and haven't been in the school since, Mr. Carmen wasn't a psycho with knives the last I checked, I never made a pom pom thing in art class, I'm not a runner, Nicolas Cage is not black and he is not the president, and Jesus is not a black box as far as I know.
Nicolas Cage = Nicolas Cage is in the movie Kick Ass as a hero, and I recently watched this movie.
Precognitive: No experiences yet.
Reoccurring: No.

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