almost 11 years ago
Magical Muggle

I am driving with my friend Mary's mom in the passenger seat. I'm nervous having her there because me and Mary haven't spoken in so long and we aren't really friends at all anymore, so having her mom there is out of the normal. I try to be my best, but I somehow can't control the car. As we go over the over pass, my car slides down the grass hill onto the dirt road below and we end up by the river. I apologize to her and assure her that I don't normally drive like this, that normally I'm a good driver and that I'm just nervous. I have a gold oval locket, and I think someone is after me trying to kill me for it.
Now I am in a stairwell waiting outside of an odd rotting wood door waiting for something along with a couple dozen other people, including my friends Weston and Kevin. Everyone but me is in Hogwarts robes. Weston ends up talking to loud, and two Slytherin boys come out with wands aimed. It is right now that I realize that everyone here is magical, except me. They aim the wands particularly at me. "You were allowed to be here as long as you were silent. We even let this muggle come along, and you had to blow it." They take my arms and lead me downstairs. I apologize over and over, knowing that I shouldn't have been there anyways because a muggle doesn't belong in a place like this. They walk me past tons of people waiting in these wooden rafters of this building until we reach an outdoor balcony. The head wizard commands they release me and asks them if they know who I am. The admit they do not. He informs them that I helped develop the magical lotus flower, a beautiful, huge flower of blue and purple that creates something very important. I am the only muggle ever known to be capable of creating something magical. I smile bashfully.
Now I am walking between two rows of high trimmed trees, like the ones that my dad has in his back yard. I am carrying my lunch, looking for a place to eat. I see some lunch tables in the grass out from the shade of the massive trees. My friend Alexia waves me over to sit with her. I accept her invite and eat my sandwich next to her until the wind picks up and carries off a light blue bag along with many papers from various student sitting at the cluster of tables we are in. I stay seated for a moment, just watching, until I decide to over come my shyness and help those chasing down their items. I run down a bag and stop it from rolling away on the grass. Camera stuff like films and disposables fell out of it, so I am shoving it all back in when Alexia and a really cute boy with black hair, I think it's Nyght, join me. Not but a second later an old classmate Dirk comes over. The bag is his, and he seems somewhat thankful but mostly annoyed that I helped.
Then I am swimming around in a world that feels like a strange mix between Spyro, Skyrim, and Assassin's Creed. I am on a mission to find something very important. I find an eel cave, which I know the important object is hidden within.
Now I am in a store with a girl friend and a younger boy friend whom is black. A large girl with brown wily hair picks on him cruelly and angrily, and I defend him. When I defend him, her actions become violent. She tries to hit the boy but I don't allow her to. I block her throws, until she runs off. I chase after her, but realize she was just luring me away from the table at the end of one of the isle that my friends are sitting at. I run on the other side of the isles than where the table is, and pass the isle that I see the table down. I go down the one that is one to far, knowing that the girl will take the one to my left. Once I reach the table, I stop and hide in my isle. I watch the girl sneak up on the defenseless boy, and just as she's about to slam down her fists on him, I jump out and block her. Suddenly, and finally, a teacher calls the girl over to get her side of the story which is all lies about how we were bullying her. I sit with my friends, trying to figure out the wording for when the teacher asks for my side. I look at the boy, whom hasn't moved since the start. He looks sad, and just stares at the table in a somber trance. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of May 27th, 2013
Real-life characters: Mary's mom, Weston, Kevin, Alexia, Dirk.
Dream-created characters: People in stairwell, Slytherin boys, head master, Nyght, friend girl, mean girl, boy.
Real-life places: Over-pass, the store kind of looked like Shopko before it was Shopko, when it was still the store before.
Dream-created places: Stairwell of old wood building, balcony of building, lunch area with trees and grass, Spyro-Skyrim-AC world with eel cave.
Different than real life: I haven't seen any of the real people in this dream in a long long long time.
Precognitive: I was offered a sandwich that was similar to the one in my dream, I do believe. But I can't be sure.
Reoccurring: Nyght is a reoccurring character in many of my dreams.

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