11 years ago
Peach Halves Bunker

I am in high school, trying to find my way to my classes. I struggle for a moment, but always find my way to the right class thanks to the paper schedule I carry with me. My final class is a study on the girl Opal. The first day, which was yesterday, when I took the class for the first time, I loved it. It was very engaging, interactive, and full of students who had a passion to learn as much as they could about Opal just like me. I twist through the halls, which are all curvy and on multiple levels, the floors are wooden as are the doors and walls, and I find my way to the class. But, it is empty. No other students are in the class, only the male teacher sitting with a focused, upset look on his face as he rubs his brow. I enter, and ask him where the others are. He tells me the others won't be joining, that the class has been removed from the register. Not having any other class that I want to join, I decide to sit in here and talk to the teacher about Opal. I don't care if it won't get me any credits.
Then, me and my friend Mary are riding our bikes outside the school. She decides to ride inside, and I try to object. She tells me not to be a baby. I stuffily follow her into the building, and we ride down the senior hall. She asks me if I'm ready to handle a heist. I'm flabbergasted that she wants to pull of a heist here, now. But I accept, wanting to prove that I can. We reach the end of the hall, go down some steps on our bikes, and out the doors that lead to the parking lot. "Okay," she says, "I'll create a distraction, you get to *&%#@'s car and get the *)&%*@. Got it?" I nod, and she starts shout for everyone in the area to come over to her. Everyone skeptically gathers around her, and one boy says, "What do you have to say? This isn't going to be like last time, is it?"
As she assures the crowd that it is certainly not like last time, I skillfully weave myself through the cars on my bike like a freestyle bicyclist, hoping on my back wheel, balancing on my front, weaving through and even on top of some cars until I scratch one pretty bad with my pedal. "Hey!" a guy shouts at me. "That's my car!"
Crap! I've been caught. I run, get to my car without the *#$%&, and yell at Mary to get in, and we zoom off. The boy jumps in the car with us and I keep driving. The feeling gets much darker, like we are being chased by something much more evil. We need to get away now, and the boy agrees to come with us. I drive the route I take to get to the lake, passing all of the buildings and stores, taking all of the turns. Then, we come up to a rubble circular cinder-block building. It's more of a shack really, with only three rooms: a kitchen that only holds a table, a bedroom that only has a mat on the floor, then a store room that has some cardboard boxes containing food. We go inside this bunker and my friends sit around the table. I pull out a jar of peach halves so we can eat while we wait.
The moment has come. We hear helicopters above us. It is night time. Police and military are storming our location, coming up on us fast. The helicopters have spot lights on us from above, since the shack doesn't have most of it's ceiling. This is it for us, this is our last stand. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of February 18th, 2013
Real-life characters: Mary.
Dream-created characters: Male teacher, other students, boy with car, police and military.
Real-life places: Parking lot of school, road to bunker.
Dream-created places: Inside of school, classrooms.
Different than real life: I don't know of a circular cinder-block bunker, I'm no longer in high school, I haven't spoken to Mary since high school.
Peach halves = I bought a jar of peach halves not long before this dream.
Precognitive: No experiences yet.
Reoccurring: No.

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