11 years ago
Pirate and Elementary School

There is this huge house where an evil man lives. He wants to kill me and my friends, and he is a pirate. Despite this, I need to go inside and see what he is up to. So, I go in the front door and sneak around the quite, dark home. Candles on the walls are the only light in many areas, particularly the upstairs hall. The further in you go, the more the house looks like a castle. I peek into one room, and see the pirate asleep. I quickly and quietly close the door to not wake him. But then, I hear something down stairs. I proceed quietly down the stairs and down the dark hall to the door the noise come from. I open the wooden door, and see the pirate standing with his back to me. The sight of him shocks me. He is holding someone by the collar of their shirt, but I cannot see who. He doesn't even turn to look at me. Instead he barks, "Now is not a good time (name)." The name he says is not my name, but rather the name of his first mate which I remember had a lot of "L"s and "Z"s, and sounded something like Lizard. Angry at what I was seeing, I slam the door and start walking down the hall. All along I thought it was the pirate chasing me, but it is this imposter! A man faking being the pirate! Who is he? What does he want? I slammed the door in hopes he would follow me into the hall so I could confront him, let him know I know he's fake. Instead, he doesn't follow me. I make it all the way down the hall, and around the corner before I realize I really don't want him to follow me, I don't want to confront him, not yet at least. I run to the white front door, lit by sun light coming in the long windows on either side of the door. The door feels huge compared to me, like I am six or seven years old in height. I burst out the door and across the lawn. Just across the street is my school. I meet my friends and tell them what I saw. We deliberate until the bell rings. The two girls in our group leave to go inside, but me and the boy walk around the school in the other way. It is a way that will take longer, which will make us late.
The school is actually an elementary school, though we are at least 20. Being late doesn't worry us, until we hear my art teacher and the principal coming around the corner of the school. The wall of the school that we are near is made of tinted, dark glass. There is a large porch-like area jutting out of the wall near the corner. We run around the corner of it, out of site. I can see through the glass of the porch despite it being tinted, and see the teachers talking. The principal is explaining to my art teacher that the strict rules on truancy and the enforcement they are implementing will really crack down on anyone not in the school on time. Well, that's me and my friend. Not far away is another porch jutting out, so me and him run around the corner of it, barely missing the teachers sight. He continues to go around the building, but I plan on using one of the windows on the porch, a small window right next to the ground, to slide into the building like I used to when I was little. But, the windows are gone! They changed them out for just glass. My friend frantically waves me over from around the corner of the school building itself. The teachers are approaching. Do I have time? I don't have time to consider. I dash over to my friend, once again, barely making it around the corner before the men see me.
Me and my friend enter the school through the front doors, which are right next to the office leading into the lobby. We act casual, but the secretaries still see us. Before they can get out of the office, we run around the corner down the hall and turn again. I get into the classroom and the teacher gives me a tardy slip for being late. I don't worry about it much, thinking to myself that I've completed high school and now I'm redoing elementary, so I can get through this in a breeze even with a tardy. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of February 1st, 2013
Real-life characters: Secretaries, principal, art teacher.
Dream-created characters: Pirate, pirate imposter, person being threatened by pirate imposter, Lizard, two girls and guy in our group, teacher.
Real-life places: The inside of the school is just like the high school I went to, but the outside is dream-created.
Dream-created places: Outside of school, pirate's house.
Different than real-life: I didn't retake elementary school, I'm out of school now, our school didn't have a glass porch of any kind though the lobby windows looked similar to the windows on the porch.
Redoing Elementary = I was talking to my Aunt and Uncle about my nephew possibly being held back in kindergarten.
Glass porch = I was doing house shopping not long ago and saw a house with a beautiful window covered porch.
Precognitive: No experiences.
Reoccurring: No.

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