almost 12 years ago
Divine Purpose

There I stood, arguing with a woman... about something, tho probably nothing. I felt a shift beneath me.. all around me. I looked up in the sky and there, present before us were 5 Moons. It was clear that the Earth was beginning it's Grand Shift into a more Unified existence... but with what, with whom?

The woman began shapeshifting into an animal.. a panther. All the people around me were either shapeshifting into animals or disappearing. And this all happened in the blink of an eye. The emotion I sensed around me was Panic, but I didn't feel this, personally.. I wasn't shifting or disappearing.

All above us, in the sky were vast amounts of Silver colored probes or space ships or ufo's, because they were most unidentified. They were flying everywhere at top speeds.. and I couldn't quite understand what was going on, however the United States Military were very present, doing their best to blow up these little vessels.

I closed my eyes and began breathing deeply, beginning to do my Qigong and circular Thai Chi Movements... cultivating energy and balance from within and around. It felt like the right thing to do within this moment. All of a sudden, in the middle of my form, I stopped and felt called to look up into the sky.. one of these silver vessels was coming toward me and yes, it felt scary. I stopped my movement and felt best to witness what was about to transpire. This vessel was about 7 feet at length and 4 feet in width and it was clearly a probe with it's aerodynamic features.. but no signs of life forms flying this thing.

The probe flew directly at me... puncturing me through my backside.. but I didn't feel pain. So, there I was with this probe in my back and it seemed as if time stood still for that moment. I stood there quietly and my field of vision changed into images of other places on the Planet. I heard a voice.. a human voice.. a woman's voice. Wow, it then came to me that these probes are of human origin or at least humanly related... not necessarily Extraterrestrial. I was shocked, as well as felt a sense of safety and trust. The woman spoke to me... she said, "Go to Mesa Drive".. And as she spoke, there was an image of this Landmark and there I stood, doing my Circular Movements... and I was being given instructions to do this in other places on the planet, as to be communicating with the planets energetics, etc...

There were images of animals running around... and again, myself in deep meditation, moving the energies into balance on some level.. very intense and at the same time, made perfect sense to me in relation to my current Spiritual work.

At that point, the images were gone and the vessel probe as well. I knew at this point to run.. and go see my Mother and Father.. it was important to see them. I found them in their bed and they looked completely different. They were wilting and crumbling away in front of my eyes, I began crying aggressively. They almost looked like some reptilian beasts, dying within every moment. I couldn't recognize them and I was scared. I asked my father, "What is happening, What does it mean?" .. he looked at me and said, "I don't know, but it is ok. I felt a vibration that they were proud of me. My father came over to me and kissed me goodbye.. my Mother laying quietly, holding a precious feminine energy.... and at that point they lost ability to speak... and they died before my eyes.

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