over 12 years ago
Three Places at Once

I'm just having a 'terrible' night. In the coldest time of year I'm having to be stuck fulfilling my volunteer duties trying to feed and get the cats in their rooms for the night...

In the waking world I volunteer for my mom's cat rescue group and the following is sorta an account of what I do every night.

It's FREEZING cold and there's snow everywhere. I'm having a HELL of a time trying to get all the cats in for the night. Especially Porsche who's always the most stubborn. My mom has recently renovated one of the rooms out back to make it warmer. It looks nice, but there is a fatal flaw in which it has a hole in it large enough for a cat to get through. I can't remember if the hole leads outside or into the next room or both. Our cats don't really get along so they have to be put into individual rooms, except for those that DO get along. And quite often one of the things that happens when doing this task every night is there will already be cats in the room and you open the door to let a new one in and one of the old ones gets passed you and out, then if you leave the door open wide enough the rest will get out. Guess what happened on this particular winter night?...

I try going to get Porsche to put her back in while at the same time I have to tend to this other cat in a room to my left as I turn around, who is either pregnant or just had kittens and won't sit still so they can nurse on her? I go to sit with the momma and get her to sit still and calm down. I look back at the rooms and see the door flung wide open and all the other cats get out and on the loose. Dammit! It's gonna take all night to get them all rounded up and back in again! -I hear a cat crying and see in the other direction our family's van. I don't recall if I saw my parents come out to lock it up before they went to bed or not. Either way Porsche seems to somehow gotten in the van before they closed the door, and now she caterwauling cause she's incapable of opening a closed van door. But I can't move though cause the momma cat is starting to lull to sleep. Porsche won't shut up and I tell her I can't move right now, I'll be there as soon as can be.

It takes a while, I'm under considerable stress trying to be in three places at once but I eventually realize the sleeping mum is the only place that really REQUIRES my assistance at the present moment. So I try to make myself comfortable, even if I did go over to let Porsche out of the van she'd just be on the loose again, plus I'm not even sure it's unlocked, I don't have the key. --It wasn't until I reviewed this dream in the waking world that I came to realize what this situation 'truly' represented. Given my situation in the waking world this dream was trying to tell me to stay in the present moment, it requires my most IMMEDIATE attention. The cats out of their room to my right represent the past in which they have the means to survive, there's nothing I can or need to do about that. Porsche to my left represents the future in which I know she's there but I can't see her, but at least she's contained and will remain 'safe' for the night. So there's really nothing I can do other than stay in my 'present' location...

However at some point I see that the momma cat doesn't have any water in her dish and I need to go get some. This was after having been sitting down on some sort of log or pipe in front of the room. It was ice cold and immediately upon my jean covered legs hitting the bare surface a shiver filled my entire body. I almost fell asleep several times waiting for someone to wake up to help me. The sun is starting to come up. I can't really explain how this is possible but I proceed to walk across the yard, and end up at a street approaching our house again? It doesn't look like our house but in the dream I perceive this to be our house. It's got a fence all around the back yard, the kind you can't see through, and I walk towards the gate, open, and walk through, only to find a group of teenagers hanging out in our backyard. Dressed like thugs with bandanas and possessing alcohol and everything, they look real menacing.

As I approach them I can clearly see one of them passed out and lying on the snow covered ground with the others standing around him. They seem defensive as I try to get close, if only to say hello, like they're gonna hurt me - beat me up or worse? -So I make the conscious decision since I'm already stressed from having to deal with the cats all night, I decide I don't need this and walk over toward the tap for the outside hose and fill up the water bowl. I treat them like they're invisible and IMMEDIATELY as soon as I do that their attitude changes and they start pleading for my help. They also PLEAD that I acknowledge their existence...

They seem to be asking for help but I don't pay attention to what they're saying much. They say they're worried bout their friend and wanna use our phone or have one of us at the house call the police or and ambulance or something... I don't even look at them, I fill my bowl and leave. It's strange the outside tap is turned on when at temperatures this low we usually turn them off so that the pipes don't freeze?

I go back and give the momma her water and continue to keep her company until someone gets up. Porsche continues to cry all throughout the night until the sun comes up. My mom and dad FINALLY wake up for the day and come outside, after what seemed like FOREVER a wait for me. It's strange though my mom is in her nightgown, at temperatures this low? -She gets the morning paper and finally lets Porsche out of the van. I'm FINALLY relieved of duties!

Later I'm shown a tv news report of a local group of teenagers who's friend apparently collapsed and died due to an illness of some kind, possibly an allergy. It's the group of teenagers that were in our backyard. Now the police are investigating the death of this young man, first believed to have drunken himself to death, now believed other factors might be at play here?...

It finally comes back to memory, the one teenager talking to me when I was ignoring him. I can FINALLY hear what he was saying and apparently he was trying to tell me "Help, our friend suddenly collapsed, we don't know what's wrong with him, he needs an ambulance." -If I hadn't have been so 'focused' purely on what I was doing, I might have saved that guy's life, since by the medical examiner's findings he didn't die till AFTER I got the water...

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