over 9 years ago
Many Voices and an Old Friend


At the beginning of this dream I find myself what I can only describe is a mixture of adult me and a childlike essence. It's like we're all real big kids. And it;s a heavenly setting. White all around. We're all dressed in white. But there are other colors around though, just can't quite recall them very clearly.

It's like some sort of factory. Since it's so close to the holidays at this point it's possible it could be some sort of non-specific representation of Santa's workshop. Except Santa doesn't work here. The only description I'm given in regards to who our boss is in this shop is that I know we all call him Father, or The Father.

Except boss isn't the correct word. He's not our employer and not our master. In fact, Father's not making us all do anything. There is no requirement. And yet we're all working in the dream. My soulmate is there (the one who's identity I know) and I made a specific point of writing down in my journal that he is very pretty:) Like literally breathtaking, have tremendous butterflies in my stomach just looking.

What we're all apparently doing is we're all making presents. Not receiving them! But instead, the factory is there so we can make them. My soulmate is busy 'penning' things. Writing Father so beautiful songs. We're making presents for Him. And it's because we're so happy with what Father's already given us. It's hard to explain what Father's presence is like. Anybody remember the faceless Nanny from "the Muppet Babies"? Or the way all the adults of the Peanuts cartoons were just loud trumpet noises?

Made a specific of writing down in my notes that have a semi-transparent feeling the soulmate in my dream is the one who's identity I know of (I write this cause at the time I was having this was really in serious internal stress over trying to discern the difference between the two I've been dreaming of in my dreams). My soulmate imparts to me -can't remember any dialogue- but am made to know that my soulmate has a "fuzzy feeling" of me and that I might exist. Get no sense of rejection or resistance from my mate. And in fact makes clear to me that a potential relationship is still yet -not-out-of-the-picture. No news is more joyous to me.

But more pertinent duties take precedent over any of this. It's explained to me that we all have our gifts to perform for Father, my soulmate's performing his. No I've gotta come up with something special? -- I don't have any visuals to accompany this sentence but I wanna include something else I wrote down in my notes: Maximizing space by cleaning up. Discovering parts that I had even forgotten were there? Attention to my mate, what can I do?

I am doing things to try and impress my mate, things my mates could be proud of me for. And as unbelievable as it may sound - the dream tells me my mate (where is in the world right now) is equally doing things to try and impress me?!


The dream switches now. Not quite sure how this all comes about but the next thing I know I'm cornered inside this room with a bunch of bullies barking at me. The identity I happen to give them in my original notes is I call them "non-believers", make of that what my readers will. They just keep verbally terrorizing me - I become overwhelmed.

I don't know what exactly drives me to this instinct but I end up summoning various animals to my call using my mind alone to intervene. Don't really recall what animals in particular respond to the summon - except for the one at the end. In bursts a giant hawk, cartoonish looking eyes. Large head, and nearly as big as the bully threatening me. The hawk can speak telepathically, I already know the hawk's name. It seems obvious to me in the dream. That's just ol' Many Voices. Yes indeed, that is the hawk's name, he goes by Many Voices. Actually it's not so much the name of the hawk as much as it is the name of the spirit BEHIND the hawk.

Many Voices subdues the verbal bully, then carries me away to safety in his talons. While we're flying -eventually coming to rest in a public park- he speaks to me, referring to me as Old Friend. Many Voices tells me he is alert to the call, should I ever be in imminent danger, Many Voices is like something of a bodyguard toward me. But when not needed Many Voices returns to his dormant state, in the guise of an ordinary hawk.

The hawk sets me down in the park and I'm made to realize that now, reverted back to a hawk, I am no longer dealing with Many Voices, but that of a wild animal. Which could attack me at any moment I suddenly realize. I must 'command' respect of the animal and be sure not to break eye contact as I walk nervously away.


Walking away, I need to find my soulmate again. I go in search, not certain how to get back to that white heavenly factory from the beginning of the dream. I eventually arrive at a stream, a refreshing fresh water river. Along my walk towards this river I find I keep running in to numerous animals, getting more and more exotic and non-domestic the further I walk. At the river I come across a group of large toads that I think would interest my soulmate (don't ask me why, just get the funny feeling he'd think they were funny or cute, or whatever). Suddenly I realize there's a large poisonous snake situated right behind my feet, just inches away poised to strike. I stumble around trying to get away, when I back peddle and try to climb a different set of rocks, I find there are wild snakes in every direction, everywhere I look where I standing, it's like I'm in a den. They're all over the rocks, the grass, and there's so many I can hear them hissing. I get overwhelmed and wake up abruptly!


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