12 years ago
Trolling from the Future

I was in, perhaps, a future Earth, where things were just barely starting to go the way of Star Wars and Star Trek. Little cleaning droids hovered from litter to garbage can, though the buildings still looked very similar to today's, and it seemed that this place was special in that it had hovering aircraft. Not the helicopter kind, but the UFO kind. Blue was a very dominant color theme for the buildings, especially in the military academy I was in.

Apparently I was a new recruit (God knows why), and I needed to find my dorm and get settled in. There was a woman at the Admissions office, who looked like one of my old vice principals, that I kept having to go to for help. She wouldn't say anything. She'd just chew her gum and stare at me, and when I got confused and frustrated for the first time she just grunted and pointed at her name tag. Underneath "Mrs. Morisack" there was a space where instructions would scroll across the screen. They were very ironic instructions, somehow, but they made sense and worked out when I used them.

Before I had even gotten to that point, though, I'd run into a mysterious old man in a trench coat. I was standing by this really awesome water fountain in some sort of town square, looking for the academy, and he pointed me in the right direction. I thanked him and went on my way, but the dream image lingered on him a while before it started following me again. There was another sort of admin of character that I'd find every so often as I carried out Mrs. Morisack's instructions, and she would tell me what I needed to do when I got too confused or sympathize with me about my crappy roommates. From her uniform, I'd say she was a student too, but probably an upperclassman.

Something happened, an explosion maybe, and my upperclassman friend dashes off to see what's happened, with me following close behind. There were a lot of droids (Portalish looking things that hovered) and androids (Haloish) attacking the square and generally causing chaos. The admin character leaps into action with her phaser gun and starts putting the droids in their place. I don't have any weapons, so I start freaking out when a couple of the androids turn on me, but I get this bright idea and somehow take them out with the fountain. We were about to be overwhelmed when the old trench coat guy that I'd met at the start of the dream showed up and blew up the rest of the robots.

He strolled up to us while we were congratulating ourselves, taking off his hat and sunglasses. The conversation went something like--
Admin: "Oh, and that thing you did with the fountain? Awesome! We make a good team."
Old guy walks up: "Yes, better than I thought you would..."
Us: "???"
Old Guy: "You were good friends, even during the civil war--" And then he started explaining about this alternate reality that I'd been having flashbacks to all through the dream. Apparently, the Govt. was relying on this one scientist for all of the robotechnology, but he got it into his head that he'd be a better dictator and took over. The military was completely incapable of handling it, even at the beginning when they were still open to damage. The admin and I were some of the better equipped among the military, so this old man came back in time to prepare us and keep that alternate reality from happening.

So, at some point the dream turns into a cross between Star Trek and Gundam, and we go on all these crazy adventures. The next important thing that happens is that we ended up beating the guy that we thought was the Inventor, but was actually the only guy who could stop the Inventor from taking over and was framed. That guy had been fighting a scientific guerrilla war against the Inventor, and dethroned him in the AU, and we'd just killed him. Joy. Turns out that the mysterious old guy was the REAL Inventor, and he shows up to laugh in our faces and thank us for our services.

I'm not sure what happened after that. I think I got too angry and confused, trying to figure out the time paradox and how we were supposed to get out of the situation, to hold onto the dream.

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