11 years ago
swimming in lake springfield

Last night was all over the place. My first several dreams are muddy, but I was shot and killed in one. I felt a sharp pain in my spine, as if it had snapped, then felt like my body was dissolving into a pile of goo. These first dreams were frantic and scared, dark, terrible.

Walking in a lake-side park with Tyler. Two baseball diamonds are filled with children playing the sport. We walk past one and a kid in the outfield tosses me a tennis ball. I surprise myself by being able to catch it, really I snatch it out of the air. Tyler and I throw the ball back and forth several times as we drift away from the game in progress. He throws so hard but the sting of the ball in my hands never really hurts.

Down by the lakeshore we find a smoothly carved wooden boat. Tyler climbs right in with the intent to take it out on the water, but I have doubts. It is dark. Dangerous. What if the owners return for it? He looks around and points out that they are no where to be found. I climb in behind him and we drift away from shore. It becomes quickly apparent that the boat is taking on water. The sides are so low and flat, its more like a raft than a boat, really, you can see the smooth wood grain. As water rushes over the front and over our legs, Tyler rocks us and we both fall into the water. He laughs, I scramble, but we're totally fine, upside down the boat still floats and I grab onto it. I'm mostly concerned with whatever might be lurking in the dark water beneath us.

We spent some time embracing in the water, smooching, and suddenly I look up and see that we have drifted dangerously close to CWLP, the coal power plant that uses the lake for coolant. There is a fence in the water meant to keep people away from it, and I can feel the fence with my feet. I panic, looking towards the dark far-away shore, trying to distinguish where we came from so that we can start swimming in that direction. I am lost. I can't figure it out. Tyler shows me and we start swimming towards the shore.

When we make it there the beach is rocky, dirty. There is a huge wooden structure like a pier crossed with a jungle gym, and we climb the stairs. I recall seeing plastic beach chairs folded up and hung together in stacks. I point out how nice the chairs are, brand new, really, and wonder why anyone would leave them outside where they can be stolen.

From the shore we watch several dolphins swim back and forth, jumping out of the water and doing amazing synchronized tricks. I am delighted. It is clear that these dolphins are not performing for us, they are simply having the time of their lives, playing in their watery home. I mention something about how human dolphins are, playing and having fun, but I realize awake that dolphins are far more enlightened than we.

I spend some time with Katelyn, riding in her car, trying to figure out her confusing ipod. I just want to search by artist to pick out something we might both like, but I can't, and I end up playing a lot of music she probably hates. We make plans to get some food but the panera has turned into a gas station and we give up on it. We drive to the top of a massive hill. Off to one side is a steep drop, a snowy wooded area. There is a tiny dangerous looking ramp down this hill, covered in snow, and she directs her car towards it. I begin to panic. Its like a death-chute. Why are we going down there?

She tells me to trust in her car and her driving skills, and surprisingly, we make it down to the bottom. Several times her tires spin and I'm sure we will slide off the side of the mountain and die. Once at the bottom, she turns around and heads right back up. Pointless risk. I still don't understand.

We lay in her bed and smooch. I tell her about my lake dream in an attempt to get myself to remember it when I wake. She reaches down between my legs and rubs me through my panties, dirty talking in my ear. Later she invites one of her friends over who has some kind of little tamagotchi toy. She gives me one and rips off some code, telling me to be very careful with it and not lose it. Its beeping and childish but apparently you can text other people who have one, although her friend seems offended when I ask if I can text her.

Later I am going through some kind of airport security with my recent groceries, avocados and raspberries. At the front desk a woman tries to convince me to earn $10,000 by doing some credit card thing, and while my mind pines for the money, I know that I will end up scammed or having to buy to earn or something ridiculous.

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