almost 11 years ago
Two nights ago I dreamt of my ex

Two nights ago I dreamt of my ex boyfriend Brandon again. The dream occurred right before I woke up to go to work. I just remember being in a room and when he walked in, I got very grumpy and turned my back to him and said "it's just my ex boyfriend". Then my art advisor Jeff was in the room and he said "oh, good for you"
What he meant by that was "oh, good job at getting yourself out of the bad situation he put you in"
Jeff said that as he was walking towards Brandon.
Then I saw Brandon leave. He may have wanted something, I'm not sure. When he left, I noticed that his butt was fatter than it used to be and his posture was more bent over, similar to that of an old person.
Last night, I dreamt of Brandon again.
I realize why-- I'll tell you in a second.
So in the beginning of the dream, I recall gaining a connection with a set of keys I had in the dream. They were car keys. Then I went to a boy's house that I know. His name is Matt Haury and I knew him in highschool. He has always been very overweight, socially awkward and defensive. He's a pretty lonely person =/
So I was at his house. His dad seemed to be really young and very handsome, with wavy dark hair that swooped to the side. I could see his age was indicated by his glasses, which looked like they were legitimately from the 80's. His dad put on records for us and there was multiple people at the house because it was a party.
A girl I was once best friends with named Kristin was there. When we were best friends, I would always do things for Kristin (like get her rootbeer when she asked me). That's just how things were.
There were some really good cookies there and I was eating them. Kristin asked me to get her some so I did.
There was this alcoholic drink there that Matt's dad made. He could tell it was bad to make alcohol for younger kids but he was doing anyway to be mischievous and also because he liked me. It was somthing like alcoholic snowcones? I can't remember, it just needed some sort of ladle.
So there's all that. Brandon is now at the party. He has a new girlfriend. She is short, blonde and dressed in all black. Pretty immature not in behavior but in the way she emotionally clings.
There is a part in me that is jealous.
Right before he shows up I literally watch my keys walk away from me using the string they are attached to as little legs. I know why they do this--I'll tell you in a sec.
So Brandon wants to talk to me. I am willing, I offer to go on a walk on this long road or something and he denies it, saying he doesn't have THAT much to say. This suprises me since he used to suck as many seconds out of my time as he possibly could.
Also, he offerred be a cigarette short (which is a half smoked cigarette). He was lighting one for himself. He used to share cigs with me all the time. Anyway, I myself had three of my own cigarette shorts (no whole ones) so I said thanks but that I had my own.
We went on a shorter walk and I guess his girlfriend sort of walked behind us?
I don't remember much else.

Okay so the things I was going to tell you. I've been thinking alot lately about what I would be like if I were to enter a relationship. The truth is is that I still don't know how to be in a healthy one. I have never been in a mature, healthy realationship. Brandon was my first serious one and he took my virginity so he was my first sexual one too. Both were unhealthy for me and for him. This was partially because I had no idea how to set boundaries. Never have.
So I obviously have had some relationship issues to deal with. The reason my car keys walked away from me in the dream was so that I couldn't run away. I've obviously been dreaming about Brandon because there is still unfinished business with him that I have to deal with. Jeff was there for me in the other dream to "chase" him away but last night I had to deal with it and not drive away from him like I used to.
I think a big message is to get me to stop writing people off out of fear or lack of control. I don't talk to Brandon in real life ever, not when he calls me six times out of the blue and leaves a voicemail saying he really needs to talk to me because I'm the only one who could give him good advice.

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