almost 11 years ago
I was with some people I hung out

I was with some people I hung out last night at the harm house. The band Caterpillar club was playing and my friend Kayla and I were dancing with really big motions. Our hands were clasped and I'd go down on one knee and then pop up and dip backwards and that was how we were dancing. Haha it was goofy.
So the thing about it was the way I felt. When I was in the art department at school this past semester, I felt very off in terms of social interaction. I felt like I was a nuisance and in the dream people told me I was too poetic or something like that. It's because I felt that side coming out last night. The idealistic side that no one can relate to.
It was just discouraging because I'm trying to gain confidence with the things I say and do with people. I thought leaving the art department for summer would help that but obviously this is not something I can run away from.
Ultimately it's about me being real with myself and others.

Then in my next sequence which was tied into this one, everything in my life as well as the lives of people I know was going haywire. It was like an armageddon but not as serious. I was running around and mama and Matt Mogle were in my dream. There was this big road that connected my house to a garage where my bike and dad's truck were. I was riding my bike there once to get the truck and encountered some black people from a ghetto who were friendly. I can't remember what we said but I was rushed and anxious yet still polite. Then I got the truck and went somewhere that looked like washington park, maybe to pick someone up. Then I came back and found out something had gone wrong with mama and that someone was in the hospital. There was a dock and large lake at the bottom of the road connecting the house to the garage, which reminds me of washington park now that I think about it.
I rode my bike down the big hill and could not stop. So I flew and the bike went in the water and I landed on the dock. It did that thing where when I landed it bobbed up and down, letting water and the dock due to it bobbing so hard.
So riding a bicycle means I want to achieve a balance in life, which I do.
To dream of a lake signifies my emotional state of mind.
These two things must be colliding.
So then I swam underwater to get to shore. I know I was not isolated in the dream, there were people connected to me for different reasons. Like there was one girl who felt to be my younger sister who was concerned about me. There were other people who were watching me rush around and they were hanging out in/near my garage. They were concerned also.

When I was underwater I dove way deep down without really intending to. The momentum of the energy I was feeling drove me to the bottom and I felt my bare toes touch the dirt. I was a little concerned on my way up that something would touch me, like an underwater creature. But I was alone under there. It took me a long, long time to get to the top. I was fine holding my breath but it just gave me angst. I thought maybe for a second that I thought I was moving upwards but that something was blocking me because I didn't know why it was taking so long. Then I guess I got out because I don't remember reaching the top.

I told my mom my bike was at the bottom of the lake and that I'd probably have to go get it tomorrow. She said cheerfully that since there are handles it will be easy to grab.

By the way, this whole thing was happening at night.
So I guess I'm going through some things.

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