12 years ago

My dreams always take place during nighttime. Why is that? I love nighttime and my life is going fine, but my sources say night is a signal for lack of clarity. However it also says that it's synonymous for death and rebirth. Makes sense
My theory is that I'm literally learning how to see in the darkness because it a skill necessary for me to develop. That's better :)
Last night I had two dreams, and they sort of tied together.
I went to this big house where a bunch of kids from the art department from my school were at. I'm kind of friends with them, by society's definition, but I don't see them as friends I just see them as schoolmates. Anyway I was going to stay in their house with them cuz I didn't have anywhere to go at the time, and they told me to take Cara's room. I asked why, because it was a really nice house and a REALLY nice room. The furniture was very comfy and extravagant, but not fancy to the point where I felt intimidated. Cara was home so I didn't know why they were offering her room to me. She was looking at us from the other room and I almost felt like she hadn't been consulted about this, but maybe it was because she was sleeping somewhere else or staying in another room that night.
Then the dream moved on. I saw my ex boyfriend outside going somewhere. He was wearing the ponytail he always used to wear, and this hideous orange polo he wore to a job interview once, because he didn't have alot of clothes. He was not a good person to be in a relationship, but he could be so sweet and this dream made me miss him. So I followed him and we ended up at my current house. For some reason I had my computer with me. My sources say having a computer in a dream resembles new opportunities, however the negative side to that is that computers can mean you are assimilating with something and not being an individual. Eh, being an individual is overrated sometimes as long as you do your best to share your talents and love. *hippieface*
It was nighttime and it was really windy. My friend Kalyn was there all of a sudden with Brandon and they were embracing by the side of my house. I felt sort of jealous. They didn't notice me, so I just kept watching. I was actually in the backyard but somehow I could still see them. Then this guy came up and he was the father of one of my schoolmates Jane. He was talking about how he was glad she had someone to talk to, but we haven't talked since first semester because she is clingy and I don't really fancy having clingy friends because I please them too much without realizing it and it just becomes blagh.
Anyway I guess I was gonna go see her later that week at her home in Kansas cuz she lived on a farm and I told her I'd go with her. I was just like "uh yeah okay *nods vacantly*"
Then it went back to Brandon and Kalyn and they were embracing. I noticed the way his hands were on her waist instead of wrapped all the way around her. I remember his hands well.
Anyway then an alien spaceship came above them. There were rectangular lights around the disc that the bottom was composed of, but it was not super bright it was just really illuminating. There's a difference because brightness is blinding whereas illumination is clarifying. At least to me :P Hehe my sources say that a spaceship represents a creative mind and that I'm going on a spiritual journey (I love those!) into the unknown and denotes that I will find self-awareness and self-development. Awwwhhhyeeuhhh.
The spaceship was just hovering above them...so maybe I need to see a different perspective towards the both of those people, since my sources say that also may be the case when dreaming of a spaceship.

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