over 12 years ago
Undercover murderer

So last night was an especially weird and violent dream. I was being fitted with a wire. Apparently I was going to go undercover and try to get this man who police figured might be a serial violent rapist who they were trying to catch. I was acting as a prostitute. I had mace and a switchblade in my purse.

They let me loose on the street, and I found the man we were looking for. He took me to some kind of back room in a convenience store. I was supposed to try and get him to admit that he was a rapist, or at least, try and get him to talk so the police outside could record something they could convict him with, and then come and get me. Things went wrong and he found my wire, and lunged at me. I was able get in my purse, and mace him in the face. It didn't help as much as I thought it would, and the police didn't come in fast enough. I ended up stabbing him once in the heart, and once in the third eye. It was a clean kill, very little blood, and a fast death. After that, they rushed in.

The strange thing was, that they decided we weren't going to call this in. We were going to use the dry ice freezer in the store and freeze the body. Then we were going to cut it up and put it in acid to decompose it. Then we were going to dump the rest in the ocean. There was another female police officer there, and she took out this manual on how to dispose of a body in a way that no one would discover it. She showed me the pictures of bodies in various stages of dissolution in acid, and asked which I thought seemed like the better option. I started to think that these weren't police at all and I was being used for my excellent execution skills. I attained a little lucidity with that thought and left that dream for another.

Next I was in the country. I was deciding upon which house I wanted to live in. Apparently I had a choice between several, which were all situated near a small creek. I had two agents with me. I chose a large house that had a conference room. There was a window, curved, looking out over the fields. There was a row of old computers on a long desk, facing out the window. There were about thirty chairs set up in rows, facing a projection screen on the other side of the room. The floor was a light colored hard wood, recently glazed. The walls were white.

I thought that could come in handy, should I want to open a higher learning school, but that I would need to upgrade the computers. I actually began calculating the cost of doing so, and looking around thinking about the improvements I would need to make, and planning on what kind of business loan I would need to do so. I began to get excited about the guest teachers I could have come and give lectures. People I wanted to learn from myself. I was floating through the house, with the two other people who I didn't recognize, going over the better features of the house. There was one room, that needed a lot of work, but it was octagonal and the walls were all glass. The floors were wood planks, which needed some attention. In the middle, was a tree growing right up through the floor. I thought it would make a good meditation room. The other rooms of the house were shaped strangely, but I decided that I would be able to properly decorate them. We looked at two others, which were smaller, and nearby. Nice, but they didn't have that secondary usefulness that the other did.

I recognized that searching for a home to live in is a recurring symbol in my dreaming, while I was dreaming, and woke myself up.

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