over 13 years ago
peak experience
The Day the World Spliced

it started when we all sat at a table on a terrace that overlooked a city , i guess 4 to 8 people ( all new to me ) one girl started to split , from the head on , it was very detailed it did not exactly had the feeling that a ghost was leaving her body , but something close to that , it was an intense happening at first ...

i could say soon after that , but it was all at the same moment i think , the whole world was splitted into two copies , ...

one old world where all looked and felt the same as today , and where this world existed of all separate things , people , houses , tables chairs etc ...

and the second "new" world where everything was very lively , colorful and illuminated from within , all was one ( there where no individual or not-part-of-the-whole things ) i percieved it as one big entity , one whole experience , ...
one not-consisting-of-all-separate-things all-integral world ...
this world looked ( like we could also see from the terrace ) very futuristic , shiny and even semi-transparent if u wanted ...

i or we were visitors in this world checking out different places , people , houses and gardens

one time i was in a house exploring when i or we got the feeling we were not supposed to be there , but more maybe , i was thinking or i was feeling as a single unit or piece , like a separate part or individual just like we are used to in the old world , ...

some kind of police force and intelligent camera system on a big snakelike but technological body ( it had the feeling from a sentinel in the matrix ) started to track us , but the only thing we had to do during this pursuit was to blend into this new world , ...
we did that by just standing still , being part of the whole by using the colors to blend in , no thoughts , and become as transparent as the environment and the camera couldn't see us ...
i used the wall of the house , crawled to the ceiling , or sat on a branch in a tree ...

another experience was that , since all was transparent and we came from the old world , if u were walking or standing on the same place as a person who lived there , u could start to merge or blend and become one ... so in our opinion we didn't try that for too long

something really fascinating was the contact with animals , it was something like a cat-horse , or more a beautiful white unicorn like horse with the inner touch from a cat
it was situated in a lively green nature like environment and the thing was when we or i tried to approach this animal it would go backwards , but when we opened our mind and just let it come by itself it would come to cuddle and play ...

all the people i met in this world were new to me , one time i was with an elderly couple in a museum like environment , ( they went to fast , i couldn't follow them ) ...

one time i was trading things from my backpack with a 12 year old ...

many things happened , i saw an overwhelming amount of details while being in this world

the things that had the most impression on me were the colors , the transparency , the liveliness but mostly this feeling that it was ONE WHOLE experience or world , in opposite of the old world that did not look futuristic or lively at all and contained - or consisted of - all separate things

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