over 10 years ago
two dreams, one snake

I do not remember much leading up to this... I find myself walking around some sort of store - maybe like a western wear store with cowboy boots and whatnot - with a snake on my shoulder and around me. In waking life I'm not at all skilled at playing the harmonica, and I knew this in my dream, however someone - not sure who - prompted me to begin walking around the store with the snake, playing some folky harmonica. I do not know where the ability came from, in fact, I wasn't all that great at it, however the more I played, the better I got because the more confident I became and realized how to let it flow out of me. Some people were giving me looks of praise or respect or admiration while others were totally disgusted, though I'm not sure if it was from the snake or my playing... likely the former. I didn't begin to feel weary about the snake at all until I went outside and put the snake down. I felt this deep connection with it... it was playful with me like a dog, or even more intelligent. I only grew weary about it the moment I started thinking about having to pick it back up. It seemed to be much larger when it was on the ground. There was some puddles on the ground and it seemed to looooove the water. Its face had this deep calm and contentment after emerging itself. At one point, the tip of its tail folded one time, like folding a piece of paper in half, where the very tip faced up toward its head. The skin around the fold flattening out much like skin does on my leg around my knees when I squat down. As a burning ember, its tail became burning red for a brief moment, then faded back to normal. It made me think of the fiery kundalini, or sleeping dragon at the core of the Earth. Again, I felt such a deep love and connection for this snake, yet this feeling of weariness or caution could not be ignored. I remember my dog from waking life was running around in the background of all of this because she ran out of the store the same time as the snake and I left it. And now I realize that it is the year of the snake... I also remember something about dancing, or doing ballet crossed with yoga. Lots of stretching, arms opening, and toe pointing.

I must have woken up and fallen back to sleep at some point because my dreaming switched to another scene entirely... I found myself in this brightly painted house or apartment. The walls are bright yellow and orange, and maybe green in places. I was sitting on the toilet, and out the window was a hair salon - it was literally right next door, in close proximity, which is why I say apartment. I notice this woman whom I knew of in high school because of mutual friends, and who now lives in the same city as me. Her name is Natalie, and I find her, in waking life, to be incredibly inspiring. In the dream, she had her hair done because she was getting up from the chair, checking out her hair. I was still on the toilet and realized she may be able to see me because it was dark outside and there was a bright light by the front doors (the doors for the house and salon were right next to each other), so I began to get up and go to the main part of the house. Only a moment or two passed before Natalie came into my house. She must have seen me or known that I was living there, though in waking life I cannot imagine her ever doing something like that because we do not know each other well at all. She was very happy and lovely, asking about my life and looking around the house. I'm not sure how the following came to be... Either she and her husband moved into that place or my boyfriend and I moved into theirs. Or somehow the two combined to be a bigger house. Whatever the case, we were all living together. She was always on top of things around the house. The only things that seemed to need work were her relationship with her husband and her own physical state. She wanted to lose weight, though she is absolutely beautiful the way she is. Maybe she wanted to be stronger. Her husband was simply aloof and passive aggressive. He would disappear without saying anything. Natalie wasn't as happy as she seems to express, though she is very strong.

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