almost 12 years ago
breathing underwater
the fire and new life that follows

Just another normal day. I was at home in the Rich chilling, doing some garden work and playing with my cat Aditi. Heard lots of sirens in the distance, but that happens all the time so I paid it no attention. Then Dad pulls up in the driveway. He comes rushing to the door, telling me that there is a huge fire raging out of control and its heading my direction. I give him a hug and tell him that I will meet him up in Sebastopol, and that he had better get on the road. He leaves, doesnt seem worried about me but keeps telling me to hurry. I close the door and notice that it feels really hot all of a sudden. I go the my closet, grab my leather jacket (lol the only thing I need) and put on my sturdy boots, grab some random things, I think I got my first aid kit, find a bunch of kittens inside my sock drawer but the all run off. Im sad, I wanted to take them with me so they wouldnt die.
No time for chasing cats. I grab my keys as the roof catches on fire and run out. As Im leaving the whole house is up in flames and I see that the whole hillside is burning. Suddenly its like I'm already in sonoma, minus all the driving. (dreams are great, skip the boring parts, haha). But the fire is raging up here too. As I cruz through town I see tons of shanty houses, and people that I know outside of them.
It almost feels like a festival or something, a disjointed feeling, but also somewhat festive. Everyone is talking excitedly to one another. I see Charlie and Chey and some other friends setting up beds in the middle of a field so I stop my car and get out.

The area that we all end up in is really beautiful. Big forests all around with big clearings for other houses or camping, perhaps gardens in the future. There is a river in front of the main building that we start to build as a new community home. Its a big shack building, but better than tents or nothing. Melanny and Mikel are there too with the new baby. Its a BOY! He is super cute and has complete telepathic powers. Zoriaan is there, and Erica and Gabe shows up too. We all are helping to do stuff, painting the new walls with beautiful designs, hanging curtains, cleaning, ect. Overall the feeling is very jovial.
Then everyone decides to ditch out and go boating on the river. Everyone leaves me to finish everything, and watch the baby. I finish a few more things but get sick of feeling like I'm the only one working while everyone else has fun, so I take the baby to the river and we go swimming. This baby boy is incredible! Not only is he like a little dolphin (he likes to hold his breath and sink underwater) but he can "talk" perfectly through telepathy. I can also breathe underwater, so we have tons of fun. He just tells me that he needs a 'little air' and I push him to the surface, then we both sink back down. Its so relaxing that soon I forget all about being annoyed with everyone leaving me.

When people start to trickle back they all are a little more quiet, and really stoked that I stayed there and made our home HOME. I wonder what happened to make them all feel like that. But no matter, Gabe and I decide to take a walk into town.

Then something strange happens and we start having sex, but in the middle of the square, and a voice is telling me that 'I am the new structure for Women in the New World, and that I have the power'. It says the 'Shift is complete' when I orgasm, and then lay there in the middle of a crowd of people with my arms stretched out up over my head, while Gabe sits next to me and gently strokes my hair. I guess people started watching and by then there was a good sized gathering. I feel really powerful, but also all the best traits of a woman--being compassionate, giving, able to care for everyone like they were little babies, loving everyone, sexy and very womanly.
That is how I wake up, arms outstretched and a smile on my face.

It is good to be alive.

~Ah Aum Kah~

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breathing underwater
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