13 years ago

My last night in Cranbrook with my lotus love harkamal and her family. We had just had a divine week of deepening spiritual roots and past life recollection of our ancient connection. We are the tantric marriage that I had months earlier known would be the next step in my evolution when I bought that piece of Geo's amazing art at earthdance. Although at the time I thought that unity of masculine and feminine would only happen within me as Shiva and Shakti, now I knew that first it must happen in the exterior world as two seemingly separate and opposite beings recognizing each other as god and elevating each other to the realm of their unified over-soul. Everything about our coming together was a divine alchemy written in the stars eons ago. Many strange and beautiful experiences brought us closer and closer together as we began to realize we are one. That sacred union was what we both needed to reach the next level in our sadhana and fully devote ourselves as yogis and ambassadors of light.

My whole visit I had been saying that I would be staying for a full week. But now looking at my flight itinerary I realize that I am booked to leave at 9 that night. A cold wave of fear and sadness washes over our ecstatic celebration as the prospect of us being ripped apart too soon reaches our minds. I call air canada saying that I am sick and cant make the flight. they tell me it will cost $350 to change the flight to tommorow. Now rage and anxiety fills me as I begin to fear my early departure and as I wonder why on earth I booked the flight a day early and didnt do anything about it. We cannot stay in this realm of worry and decide to do kriya and meditate.

The gravity of this situation pushes us into a deep trance of devotion surrendering all our worries to the Masters in the child's pose. We beg Yogananda our presiding deity and guardian angel to allow us one last evening together to properly solidify the soul process which we had begun so that we could complete the spiritual alchemy of our unification and to share a night totally aligned with our soul purpose as lovers and warriors for the world.
As I go deeper and deeper into meditation and prayer I can feel the presence of the angels and a reassuring feeling replaces the fear. I clearly envision the situation ahead as it must take shape. A smiling flight attendant hands me my re-scheduled ticket and I thank her profusely. As I imagine this, the number 9:22 is clearly spoken in my mind. My flight is scheduled to leave at 9:15. I know that all will be provided if I trust this intuitive astrological alignment of time. Bliss fills my whole being as I realize that trust is all you need to manifest your destiny. I feel as if this is an initiation into the realm of the dreamweaver or creator aspect of reality as I can clearly feel the power of light over the world of matter.

Before we head out we decide pick an oracle card. We put both our hands onto the deck and focus all of our energy towards the masters. I start to flip through the deck and our card flys out on to the floor: Guardian Angel.
The card meaning read as follows:

You Guardian Angels want you to know how much they love you right now. your angels' love is completely unconditional and all-encompassing.

You are not alone. you drew this card as a love letter from your guardian angels, who want you to know "We're right here. We have never left you and can never leave you." Your guardian angels say that you observe their help and attention. There is nothing that you could have ever thought, said, or done that could ostracize you from your Divine helpers. They never judge or abandon you for the mistakes you make. The angels are simply here to support you so that you can spiritually grow and help others.

We leave the house at nine as the small local airport is only ten minutes away. Driving down the one long road I am charged with the ever-new joy of being so close to my divine elder brothers and sisters. I know that I am in the middle of a life changing experience it is beautiful. We arrive at the airport at 9:07 and sit in the car holding hands until the right moment. Looking out at the airport buildings hark says "is that Buddha's face in the satellite dish?!". I see what she is seeing right away, the shadows playing across the mechanic surface of the control tower dish look exactly like an angkor wat buddha face. As soon as I see this, a shimmering light fills the atmosphere and I realise that although I know I am awake, at some level I cant understand, this is all a dream. The LCD display flashes a light yellow 9:22 in the dim aura of her car. I give her a kiss and exit the vehicle. As I approach the trunk to grab my prop suitcase I wonder if I should wait to see the plane take off in fear of being thrown on to the flight last minute without even a chance to say goodbye. I know that i should trust my intuition though and head into the building. The check-in tills are deserted, as I approach them a women asks me what Im doing. "Im late for Vancouver" I stutter. "Well you'll have to wait for someone to come back to the desk." She says. As i place my ticket on the counter I look out the glass wall in front of me. My plane is right their on the tarmac, door open, stairs down. I want to run out of the airport as I hear the loudspeaker announce: Now boarding small children and bla bla bla for Vancouver. But if I do that I wont even be able to get a flight tomorrow, labeled as a no show, no refund.
This moment was very scary I stood looking at the plane repeating again and again in my mind, I trust you, I trust you, I trust you.

A woman approaches me, "Can I help you?"
"Yes, Im late for the flight to Vancouver."
"Oh well boarding is closed now."
A rush of joy, relief and revery washes over me.
"Can I re-schedule?" I ask.
"Yes, the next flight leaves at 11:30 tomorrow."
She prints up the reciept and hands it to me.
"Usually its a $75 charge but I will wave that fee for you."
I thank her profusely.
I had passed the test.
Everything had manifested as I had seen it in meditation.

I run back out to the car full of glee. We crank up this Empire of the Sun song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hN5X4kGhAtU
And groove All the way home for our final night together. Surrounded by so much grace and gratitude. When we arrive home her parents are watching a show called Insights Into Sikhism we sit with them and discuss god and the gurus. We then read some Yogananda while sipping tulsi tea as we snuggle up for the night. These chapters are all about miracles.

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