over 11 years ago

The cocreatrix is not just another website, its a new way of looking at the internet and the world! The truth is, there is no scarcity, we all have things that we need and things we can offer, between all of us there is abundance, all we have to do is connect the right resources with the right people and by sharing who we are and what we have to offer in a global system that grounds that information in real world communities we can open the earth to a whole new field of potential where all are dreams can come true. Imagine, you type the word synchronicity into the cocreatrix search bar and instead of seeing websites using that keyword like you do on standard search engines, you see what synchronicity means to the whole earth. Whether it is through posts, projects, comments, people, places or resources the new cocreatrix browser will give you the big picture, based on real world activity. Connecting the data sphere with the geo sphere of local and global communities and giving the power to communicate, connect, share information, share wealth and co create back to the people.

Right now websites like facebook and google are selling your data to corporations so that they can inundate you with targeted advertising. With cocreatrix we will make all of that information accessible in one user friendly map based browser. By taking part in your local and global community you create meta data which connects you to the people and the information that will support your evolution. Together we can co-create a global community and directly support each other in developing the world that we want. No longer will we depend on massive NGO's and corporations to give support to our earth family that is currently left in the desperate outskirts of our competitive economic world. People have already started supporting each other directly through crowd funding sites like kickstarter and indiegogo. With cocreatrix it wont stop with funding, humanity will be empowered to share all types of resources including our greatest resource our own time, energy, love and support. We invite you to join us in co creating a whole new way of looking at ourselves, our planet and our potential. Please support us as we begin to develop the greatest tool ever given to mankind.

Heres a few ways cocreatrix could help you and the whole world thrive:

- Powerful meta data search algorythms which connect users with the people and information that they are really looking for

- A new visibility of the global community from individuals to neighborhoods, citys, countries and continents

- Enabling people to organize and build their communities through their combined efforts

- Opening up the earth for all to see, live from our cell phones and homes, eliminating the need for biased media portrayals of earth situations

- Connecting artists and causes directly to their fan base and support group and enabling them to publish and promote internationally.

- Explore your city and the world like never before, with instant image and video uploading to the data sphere

- Find out what's happening right now in your city or neighborhood at local venues and events, see pictures being uploaded right now from the clubs that you're thinking about going to tonight.

- Instantly buy virtual tickets with no need for printed copies

- Find your new family! Imagine typing in: meditation, and seeing everyone in your neighbourhood that has meditation as an interest, every meditation center and even all the people who hold regular meditation or spiritual groups in your neighbourhood

- Create an open marketplace for trade of goods and services, eliminating the need for sites like craigslist. Users can upload items to their inventory that are searchable to everyone around the world. Items can be traded for metaspheres, cash or other items and services can be offered to everyone in your target market.

- Building Community. With easy to organize and promote event planning, cocreatrix will enable neighbourhoods to strengthen their communities through events which then connect to the global community and other events worldwide.

- Quests and Seed Spots Imagine walking into a town pulling up cocreatrix on your mobile device and seeing places of interest which are related to your journey and interests. Now imagine being able to post real world quests and challenges for people in your area. From spots to couch surf, spots to meditate or tasks to complete in exchange for rewards. We can make this world a really fun place!

- Create Unity Consciousness by showing people how they are the same as their brothers and sisters around the world!

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