almost 12 years ago
ᄃЯᄐΔȚЯΙҲ (ɖǟӄɨռɨ ɨռʋօƈǟȶɨօռ v.2)

At 3:33pm CST on June 5 (ɖλϓ Θʃ τħε νεɴƲȘ τરλɴȘίτ) ⋆ I consulted the 64ԀѦҠіИі ѺГѦСLЄ (64dakinioracle.org) for my second Dakini I am needing to fully embody:


✧ϝɌϕϻ ϮӇϵ ΛΐɌ ϕϝ ϲϕnϩϲΐϕuϩnϵϩϩ ϮӇϵ ϝΐɌϵ ϕϝ ΐnϩϸΐɌΛϮΐϕn ϲϕϻϵϩ Λnd ΐϩ ɌϵϸlΐϲΛϮϵd ΐn ϮӇϵ ϣϕɌld Λϩ ϮӇϵ ΐnϩϸΐɌΛϮΐϕnΛl ϝΐɌϵ ϕϝ ϮӇϵ ΛɌϮΐϩϮ.✧

✧Who is ᄃЯᄐΔȚЯΙҲ?
Creatrix is the Dakini of creativity, particularly in relation to the visual arts. She is the bridge between the worlds of unmanifest potential and manifest form. She pulls from Purusha (consciousness) and pushes into Prakriti (nature/manifest form). In the arena of cause and effect, she is a prime mover, matching potential with the ability to bring it into being.
Creatrix is the artist archetype, weaver of worlds and creator of magical illusions. Her art is the means she employs to remove the veils of mundane perception and reveal the underlying current of infinite potential, limitless creativity.

✧Ŀ¤¢คtį¤Ŋ/§pħĘŖĘ ¤F įŊFĿŪĘŊ¢Ę :Artist's studios everywhere/ the creative process in all aspects of life.

✧คlliēŞ: All Dakinis/mothership

✧ռǟȶʊʀɛ & ɖɛֆƈʀɨքȶɨօռ օʄ ɖǟӄɨռɨ:
Creatrix in our pantheon is the one who holds the holographic imprint of the temple and channels it into form. In the void, the seeds of potential exist (in this case, in the form of the 'mothership' or circular 64 Dakini Temple) and Creatrix delivers their essence to the earthly plane in the form of artistic expression.
She is responsible not only for appearance, but for interpreting the underlying systems. She takes the role of the governor gene that tells all the other genes what to do, or, more precisely, allows them to be themselves and grow and evolve into what they could be in the grand design.
Creatrix embodies the creative frequency, manifesting in a variety of ways, at all times, emanating from her in forms, images, equations, geometries.
She holds the earthly manifestation of the temple of the Dakinis as one of her creations - for she is the one who holds open this portal. She is radiant light, constantly re-creating herself in various styles.
Hers is the mandala manifested in magnificent detail, only to be blown away as grains of sand, which then re-group and reform themselves to manifest her next vision being emanation.
Creatrix holds her 'magic paintbrush' as she translates the inspiration she receives (the violet rays) into manifest form.
Where her paintbrush touches, a spiral arises. This spiral of creativity is made up of strands of DNA, reforming themselves into this new system, this expression of the raw materials of life.
Orbs containing the imprints of the Dakinis hover round this new vortex, waiting to come into form.
The cosmic winds of inspiration blow her veils and form streaks like brush strokes flowing from her in the darkness. Her veils are violet and red indicating that her range of expression is full spectrum.
The image of Creatrix reveals that she is not the origin but the receiver and transmitter of creative frequencies, the creative juice.
The source of inspiration exists in the unmanifest realm.
Creatrix is your hotline to the pregnant void.

✧ɖίνίɴλτΘરϓ ɱελɴίɴĢ:
Creatrix offers you a personal creative stimulus package.
It is time to manifest your creativity, in whatever way most suited to your special gifts. Creatrix is here to assist. She is not only Mistress of Creativity herself, but she opens the portal that enlivens and enhances the creative spirit in general.
The appearance of Creatrix offers you an empowerment of your creative energy. Use it to manifest. Creatrix is here to encourage all manifestation.
Look for opportunities that offer outlets for creativity.
Create creative channels for self-expression.
Think creatively, think big. Think outside the box.
Know that whatever you can conceive is within the realm of possibility.
Your DNA is its own unique cosmic signature. You are one of billions and one in a billion. How do you want to express this miracle of you? How do you want to leave your imprint?
We are all artists. Art doesn't have to be just on the canvas.
Our lives are our works of art. Creatrix encourages us to paint our lives in the colors of the rainbow, the full spectrum of experience and find how we love to express ourselves and do it. We have the right. Don't let anything stand in the way of you being all that you can be.
Creativity is not a limited resource, Creatrix says. Realizing that it does not come from you, it just flows through you, is the optimal way to view it. Then you can never run out of juice. The whole of creation runs on this juice. It just is. Our role as incarnate beings is to channel, as best we can, our river, our stream, our drop, our ocean..., it is all good for we all have the canvas of our lives to paint, the tapestry of our existence to weave. We can choose whatever colors we like - bright and vivid or somber and subdued. We can work with pastel tones at one moment, infra-red and ultra-violet the next.
The art of your life is a collage of all you experience. Make it as rich and wonderful as you can. When it is minimal, enjoy its simplicity. There is merit in every style, its up to your personal preferences. Go with what pleases you first and foremost rather than trying to conform to the sensibilities of others or consensus reality. Innovate.
There are no rules expect the ones you choose.
You are the artist at the center of the mandala of your life's creation. All you do and are is a color, a hue, a brushstroke in the grand design of your life's work. Enjoy.
Step back now and then to see how it looks from a distance.
Enjoy and delight in the minutia of the details.
⋆Creatrix is here to show you that you manifest reality from your consciousness and that pure shakti is pure potential, guided only by the nature of the channel..⋆
Do not resist the creative process. Every act of creation has necessary contractions and expansions, tensions and releases. Do not feel there is something wrong with you if you go through a few ups and downs, a few trials in the adventure. Its just part of the template and can be unavoidable. Each creation has its own personal dynamics, its own birthing process. There is definitely some pain that goes with it, but think of the joy when your baby enters the world!
Everyone, men and women alike, can have many babies in their life, give birth to many wonderful creations. Creatrix is here to give you permission, if you need it, to be as creative as you like and to live your life as your own unfolding work of art.
As you create your art, in whatever form it takes, offer it to the Goddess. Make it for her for she is your ultimate audience. Then whatever anyone else thinks about it is totally secondary to that.

You have an untapped creative impulse, an unrealized creative aspiration.
Time to seek opportunities for creative expression.

⋆1. Visual meditation. Let your mind empty of thoughts and visualize an infinite sky, so your mind becomes a mindsky. Visions may spontaneously arise, or you can use your consciousness to focus your attention on a specific form and create it in the sky within your mind. This is the essence of creativity, the rest is down to craft and skillset. Reinforce your sense of creativity by working with inner vision.

⋆2. Make a painting, drawing, diagram - some visual expression that you offer to Creatrix. Have it embody in some way the essence of what the artist in you would like to express in the creation of your life. Make a special place for this, a shrine dedicated to Creatrix where you offer what you have created and it remains in your field of vision.

⋆3. Apply your creativity in at least one new way in your life. Call upon Creatrix to assist you in the process.
If you like the results, keep going. Apply the creative principle to all you do - i.e. 'I have access to all potential. I can see everything in a new light, a unique way, with the eyes of my inner artist'.

⋆4. Send a blessing to all the artists of the world. May their art be supported and their vision expressed and received.

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