13 years ago
Through the Great Veil, Into the Future

I walk through the Great Veil and into the ring of all stored spiritual memory. This place is grey and the sky cloudy. The path is scattered with things of the past; old trains, machines, ruined buildings.
I walk through a thin veil. Another, thicker one, is not too far ahead. I draw closer but before I approach it I turn right onto a path made of red dirt.
As I walk down this path I must maneuver around large boulders, but I feel Im getting closer. I see a large plateau and know that I must ascend it but the wall is too steep, theres no way I could climb it.
As I get closer to the base I see a rope, Im not sure if it will hold me but I must try so I grab ahold and start the ascent. The going is fine and I eventually reach a cave part way up the face. This is the entrance.
I walk in and the first chamber is filled with holes in the wall. These holes hold visions of all things past.
I continue on to the next chamber.. This is the chamber of the present. On to the next.
I reach the chamber of all possible and probable futures and become tense about what will happen next. I see many holes in the walls carrying visions of the future, most are too small to even fit my head in except for the exception of the one in the back center.. It is big enough for two people to walk through..
I approach it, seeing to its right a future about the size of a bass drum. It is filled with green and I know that this is the future that I am working towards, how small in comparison to the black entrance I see to its left.
I take one last breath and hold before enter the largest hole; the most probable future. I walk through the entrance and breathe out gently. As the darkness around me fades into a landscape I get chills. I have NEVER felt so ALONE in MY ENTIRE LIFE. I feel like crying. This place is dead. The scene is about 100 years in the future and what used to be lush forests full of life has turned into a wasteland.
My skin begins to burn, no doubt due to the radiation filling the air.. the cause of this Mars like terrain here on Earth.
As I stand terrified a creature approaches.. is It human? The body shape of a human, kind of, but the skin is burned all the way to the muscle. No lips, no hair. "How is this creature alive?" I wonder as it pulls at me hoping I can save it. All I can think now is "Yes brother I will return to the present and do all I can to change this future!"
I return to this plane filled with anguish still resonating with the cold harsh reality I have just experienced. I cry. Harder than I ever have in my life. These tears for our Earth Mother roll down my face uncontrolled for a hour or more.
Once the mourning subsides I see myself viewing all of creation in a new light. Each leaf a blessing, every song from a bird a true treasure. For these are luxuries my grandchildren may not know. My Sadness slowly turns into fiery passion. I now have a goal, a reason for living, and dying if I must.
We must heal this planet NOW! There is no time to waste for every second we spend stuck in this rut is another step towards the desolate future. Those of us who are awake must join together in absolute family to make as big of an impact as we can. Remember there is NO Future, only possible and probable and we can change it all in an instant, but we have to want to! We must will it! There is no time for partial action it is all or nothing now. Live and Die for the future generations or there will be none.

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