over 12 years ago
Bear, Monster, Murder

08/27/11 - I'm standing at a pay phone, which I have broken on purpose. I've taken off a protective covering and disconnected the mouthpiece. I think I've done this because I am trying to cover up for something horrible I've done - I think I've killed my own mother, but I'm not sure. There's just this overwhelming sense of guilt, though I don't feel remorse. Some people approach the phone booth and are waiting for the phone. I pretend to be having a conversation with someone, hoping that if I talk long enough that the other pay phone will become available first and they won't need the one I'm on, which is actually broken. I don't want anyone to find out what I've done. I write down a name as though someone were telling me something important on the phone. The name is "Elle." (Similar to my mom's maiden name, Ehle.)

I finally get off the phone and I'm in a group of people. I have the remnants of the broken phone - the covering and the mouthpiece, all wrapped up together, and I also have a pair of gloves that link me to the crime. All of these things are black. I'm keeping these things concealed until I can get rid of them. There are a lot of maps laying around and people are picking them up. I pick out two that I know belong to Rudy (my boss), and roll them up. Dwight Schrute (from 'the Office') is there and he is looking at me suspiciously. He approaches me and says something like:

"I found the name you wrote down when you were on the phone - "Elle" - that's not even the correct spelling! What were you really doing over there? I know you're up to something and I'm gonna find out what!"

I panic for a moment, but then I take back the power and I explode on him, saying:

"Can't you just drop it, Dwight?!? You're always digging into things, always trying to find out what's going on, always prying! Why can't you just let it go?"

He backs off and drops it, but I know he's still suspicious of me. I carry the evidence with me as I walk away toward this outdoor area where there are different "rooms" but everything is outside. I guess it's sort of like a furnished campground or something. Suddenly, there's a giant black bear and he's aggressively picking up pieces of furniture. People stand back in terror, unsure what to do. I end up underneath the black bear as he hovers over me holding a big table above me. He tries to crush me, and almost kills me, but I do some kind of ninja move to block it and get out from under him.

Next thing I know I'm running on a trail through the woods (the trail near my bosses house), and I pass a little girl. She runs ahead to a campsite where her family is hanging out in a large tent. As I run by them I start to fly and the little girl is so impressed, and I fly around and around the woods. Eventually I'm back to a populated area where there are these big gnarled, dead, tree towers. They're like very tall stumps, but really wide with lots of nooks and crannies and root-like structures to climb around and through.

I still have the black bundle of evidence and I'm feeling very guilty again. I start climbing one of these tree towers, but there's a very aggressive, dog-like monster that is suddenly in the tree with me, and it is chasing me up higher and higher. He's right behind me and I'm always just out of its reach. I'm able to throw the black bundle on top of the tree tower, and I doubt anyone will find it there. I escape the dog monster and climb down.

The last part of the dream is a little gross. I realize I've left a tampon in for way too long, and I find a toilet, which is completely exposed, and I sit down to pull out the tampon. It falls apart as it comes out, as though it has been in there so long that it's decomposing.

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