32 years ago

In this dream I am 5 and standing by a screen door looking out thinking "I remember when kids used to be able to go out and play..' longingly and to the left of me was the television set and a news broadcast was playing about the curfew implementation of Martial Law for 'everyone's protection' and there was an internal voice saying 'Dont believe in this, This is all Lies' and I watched as the army men policed the streets one marching down each side alternately.. So I was told to memorize the specific formation, and as they would walk all the way down one side to the end and back meeting and the center, stop nod to each other, and alternate the other direction and go back the other way and down to the end again.. basically so that there was always a soldier facing the other way as the other.. I watched and waited for the formation pattern to open up and I then realized one of the soldiers was my uncle Mohammad so I burst out running up to him.. 'Hey uncle Mohammad!!' and he turned around to greet me with a gun in my face.. I started to stop and move backward slightly then I urged him 'But uncle Mohammad its ME..' and I saw as the other soldier reached the midpoint and nodded at him like 'uh huh..' and just was he continued down the other side the second his back faced us Mohammad bent down into my face and said 'ok.. RUN... NOW!!!!!' and I did immediately... running down as a white helicopter hovered over me sending down a step ladder.. I climbed up wondering why I was going in this plane knowing they were pa part of this whole thing but I wanted answers... When I got inside there was a lady in a while lab coat with a clipboard talking to a group of others in white lab coats but her hair was up in a pony tail and pulled back so tight it was slightly ripping her scalp.. She was talking fast and excitedly about the 'creation of this New world' they were building and so proud of stating that '98.9% of everything you see is made up by the chemical Solution they created.." She showed how buildings cars houses everything was now made with this Solution they are creating... for the formulation of the New world..' as She repeated several times... They were going to take us to the Factory where this Solution is created... When we got there it was vast, concrete, cold and dark feeling... There were two HUGE casks in the center with all this machinery attached... there were Baskets filled with severed heads at the ends of these machine openings attached to guillotines and the lady talked on about this Solution and that it 'could not contain the heads as the bones were too coarse' and as I could see above the casks were filled with the rotting bodies of everyone in they're system churning and churning in these casks... and this was the Solution she was so excited about , when she had opened the casks the smell was so horrific that I fell to my knees and was choking on the stench.. thats when I woke up with this smell still lingering in my nose, and I know I would have made myself forget about this dream on my own so I was sent this stench which lasted for about a week and every time I would become aware of this scent the dream would vividly come flooding back... I didnt for a many years even attempt to process what this meant as it seemed to frighten me a bit... as I was always shown harsh and vivid warnings I didnt really want to understand then..

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