over 13 years ago
Snow, pentacle, raccoons, alligator, and fawn-lamb hybrid.

Me and mallory were in the backyard of my dad's house on the path down to the lake. It was snowing outside and there was a huge pentacle made of trees, standing up right in my neighbors backyard. I look up at mallory walk up this hill as she is moving towards what I through were to huge inflatable alligators. I pull out this toy from back in the day and start looking through it. This red toy was the one where you would hold it up to your eyes, pull a trigger, and flip through pictures of animals. I was looking at wild cats through it. Then I look back at where mallory is standing and I notice there is only one inflatable alligator, while the other was REAL! I tell mallory to move slowly away but she kicks the inflatable one. The real alligator moves a little to only reassure us it's real. Mallory starts to get real scared. I look around a see other woodland animals around but they seemed harmless. Out of no where a family of raccoons chase the alligator up the hill. Mallory moves out of the way as a big rabid Coatimundi (which is like a raccoon) attacks the alligator. Me and mallory start running to the front of the house. She runs down one side of the house as I run down the other. As I'm running I look back and see the Coatimundi and other animals running this way. However I see a baby deer going the other way, so I usher it to turn around and run the other way toward the front. Which it does... I notice the neighbors have a lot of random barnyard and wild pet animals. I climb unto my front doorstep and sit down. The baby fawn comes up to me curious and scared. I knew if I didn't react fast with affection it would run away. So, I pick it up and started petting it in my lap. As me and the fawn are bonding, I look over to see another fawn in my neighbors front yard. I ask them if this is their animal? They said, yes that's our pet lamb. I got a little confused as I look down at what now seems to be a hybrid fawn-lamb, lol. I bring it over to the neighbors and then I look back to see a mail man starting to walk away from my house. I run over to him too ask if anyone answered the door. I noticed the fawn-lamb following me, lol. The mail man said "no one was there." I get the mail-man to come into my house with the fawn-lamb. I see a group of bald monks in white robes siting in my dad's living room, smiling and laughing. My dad walks in to greet the mail man. The mail man insist that my dad writes him for 2000 dollars for my university I graduated from. My dad starts writing a check on his old work desk for 2 mil. I try to tell my dad that's not right but my dad is just smiling with contentment and hands the mail man the check. Still mail man wasn't happy and storms out. I'm 'awe' of my dad's attitude and watch him go in the other room with the monks.

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