13 years ago
outer space

I am preparing for a journey to another planet, whose terrain is much like the Rif mountains of Morocco-- a place I am familiar with.

I will be alone. There will be no lodging at inns or hostels...there only my backpack and tent out in the elements.

Carefully packing, I do not want to take too much or too little... even those things that I've considered as "essentials" in the past, are now unnecessary.

My parents approach me and offer all sorts of items for me to take along. I politely tell them that these things are not needed, thank you very much.

People from the past approach me and forcefully shove things into my backpack. I take the items out them out and firmly say NO.

Obtaining a passport is a bit of an ordeal. The application office is in a guarded compound. I mistakenly drive past the checkpoint while exiting before the security protocol is complete. The guards are non-reactive, so I think nothing of it.

When I arrive home, Geoff is on the phone and says that the passport office has sent agents out to comb the city and find my car. Apparently it WAS a big deal.

He holds up a glowing chart of the zodiac. There are two gate-like pillars on either side of the circle (much like Joaquin and Boaz on the Tree of Life).

Geoff's voice telepathically communicates that Capricorn and Libra are these pillars, and that the initiatory ordeals associated with these solar phases are foundational gates to access the energies of the rest of the zodiac.

When it is time to leave for my trip, some other passengers and I climb into a dodecahedron-shaped (12-sided figure--might represent the zodiac?), glass-walled cable car. When it disembarks, it slowly turns upside down, and I expect that money will fall out of our pockets, but surprisingly, it does not. We watch the city streets go by below us.

It docks few miles away, and a crane-like arm locks on to the top, then swings us around and around, then lets go. The centrifugal force sends us hurling into the depths of space. The sensation of this dramatic motion stirs me awake.

***note: I had this dream professionally analyzed and interpreted by Layne Dalfen...what a profound and empowering revelatory experience! I highly recommend her services.

Please visit haveagreatdream.com to contact this gifted woman...
and check out her dreams! Her Dreamcatcher profile name is : Layne

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