11 years ago
The Wait of All the World

Eye was on the road to REM somewhere and stopped at an old cabin to see my friend Conan, who eye have not seen for a long time. He came out and greeted me telling me that he had been drinking long island ice tea for most of the day and invited me in. We spent a bit of time together and eventually eye departed. Again for REM L.A. it seemed which has been a staple lately. The car crashes on a country road and my sister and father are now with me. We teleport for the rest of the journey ending up at the old REM LA style apartments where my father and sister depart to explore the city.

My friend Sara Sharp pops in for minute and we talk about the city and my desire to set everyone up in it before eye meet up with my old friend Akil and my ex wife, Knuckles. We carefully explore the old LA catacomb apartments and eye explain prices and try to show the two that these are good places to live. Akil gets a bit nervous as Knuckles and eye desire to push deeper into the labyrinth and says he wants to look at some other buildings which may be a tad less threatening yet a bit more expensive. We say thats fine and head out towards the 'west wing' of the apartment buildings.

Eye am determined to find the Yucca units for a re inspection. These apartments appear in several other dreams and eye lead her down to the bottom level where we see the delapitated apartment that has been the Dreamgate between the two enormous complexes. It is old style hardwood with white paint that has flecked off over time in ribbons leaving a floor full of dusty paint debris and a battered looking shell of a room surrounding us. it is clear that this room serves as a go to from REM dimension to REM dimension is also the place Akil requested to turn back.

We later find ourselves talking in another wing of another LA apt. All of these rooms are familiar to me and eye am mapping them out regularly in 3D when the details emerge. Eye ask her about her young son and how things are going. She says she is 4 months along in her pregnancy and that his name is to be Peter, his middle name which eye cannot recall at the moment is from some other family member of another ex gf eye had in HS. Strange conversation but positive in nature. Eye touch her stomach briefly and comment that it is nice to once again spend time in REM. She replied that we are always best friends and that she had said that the last time we had seen eachother in 3D which indeed, she had.

Eye realized lucidity quite quickly and attempted some flying maneuvers but had difficulty getting off of the ground.

Eye awoke to document some of these things before lying back down and finishing the dream on this note.

Eye again returned to the dream realm to find myself in one of the LA REM apartments with Knuckles and her longtime Beau Gary Macho. G Macho and eye used to be quite close but since the exchange of Knuckles, have had bizarre and tense encounters in the dream realm. He clearly did not enjoy the idea of she and eye talking again and shortly after eye arrived on the scene he left us to our own devices.

Knuckles then asked me about religion and church citing that eye used to be a fundamentalist Christian and that she wondered if eye had continued on in that. Almost laughing eye said 'hell no!!'

She reeled back with tears in her eyes terribly upset, which eye could not for the life of me understand. Eye asked her (having never been religious herself) if she was not a participant in such things to which she responded yes she and Macho have been involved in church for quite some time now etc. Eye sort of laughed to myself and absorbed the silliness of all the scenarios eye had encountered in the last couple hours of dreamscaping and returned once again to the 3D waking life to dreamcatch them.

All in all a positive encounter with Knuckles as well as Conan, Akil, Fishman, Megan and Sara Sharp and eye suppose even Macho. Here's to the 7 sisters.

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