almost 13 years ago
Oceanic Egyptian Parallel Freewill Dreamlines

The first half of the dream took me into the intensity of the ocean... A friend had wanted to be guided out on a trip in the ocean, I had been asked to show her the oceans majesty and we were to spend 3 days and 3 nights out there.. I had decided not to go.. The woman who had asked me to guide this trip, and my friend were both asking me why I had decided not to accompany the little expedition to the deep ocean,

Then the dream did something new, it split into different lines of parellel realities, and I started to watch myself (from an observer perspective), have various visions of what could happen, premonitions.. I could show my friend these visions, projecting them out from my mind into a holographic scene infront of me...

I foresaw several boats, with people panicking, a giant shark was thrashing about under the boats. Then I was in the water looking up at the shark and realized the humans had put metal lines around it's head and a huge sharp metal hook in it's mouth, it was tearing the insides of it's mouth and blood was gushing out, as all the people on the boat were screaming and trying somehow to control the sharks power. Huge amount of fear was in the air.
A small girl was on the boat, and a man had hoisted up the almost dead shark onto the side of the boat, belly up. He took a huge knife and slit the sharks throat.. The little girl started to cry as she saw the blood flow down into the water and knew that this would attract more sharks who would be both hungry and able to devour one of their own kind who was dead, and also angry at the humans for creating such a mess.

Then suddenly I projected another vision of a possible reality to encounter if we were to go out to deep sea for 3 days and nights.

It was dawn... the sea, who was not yet illuminated by the sun, was huge and swirling... Suddenly I could see all the life swarming in the waters, the ocean was singing with life and crunching like a billion crystals moving at once.

I was above the water and below it at once.

My consciousness seemed to be that OF the ocean.. I could feel all the millions of beings from the tiniest plankton to all the fish and creatures, and felt my body swaying with the swells and currents.
Suddenly I was back on the boat with the girl, these huge silhouetted shapes started to emerge from the waters surface. Huge tail fins, here, then there, always two rising up in unison...

I tuned my consciousness into ocean eyes again, and saw underwater that it was pairs of enormous humpback whales diving and rising, leaping together, in a giant Mating dance. They were calling and singing to each other, huge sways of black sperm like black stardust was being excreted from the males body and whooshed through the waters, the female right there in her ecstasy was swirling in the misty vortex of life giving liquids receiving his impregnation... The huge creatures were so energetic and the seas around them were heaving like tidal waves being born... the whole sea was filled with sways of black spermy mists and the songlines of the ancient ones...

Then the dream fragmented and I was suddenly in Egypt. A strange device was being used like a telescope. pointing up to the stars. I was watching myself now in a different body escaping from a scene of some kind of controlled ritual. Somehow even though in this particular Egyptian life, I knew I had always played the game and allowed all the rituals, in the name of Isis, who I was in complete service to, Isis revealed herself to me and showed me that there was a distinction between her needs, and the needs of her 'priests'.

Some of these men who were leading the ritual were in fact doing it for a different power, but in the name of Isis... They were to pick me up and place my crown at an angle between this device and that of a particular star system, then turn the device on, or activate it through mantras, and a huge beam of light would stream through my crown, brain, glands, and the information pass to the power on the other side..

I was experiencing the first taste of free will. I refused to have this rite done to me. I was escaping, certain people were assisting me, while others were ordering guards to find me and take me back...

Then I woke up, with the sound of the priests, the whalesong, the ocean, and Isis whispering in my ear...

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