over 12 years ago
Revisiting "Emasculated Friend" and Fat Tattoo Man...

I was willing to allow last night's dream to fade into oblivion, but it's almost time for me to head off to dreamland once more, and the dream has been haunting me all day. Unfortunately, I don't recall many of the details. I remember the mood, the colors, the emotions... and even some of the sentiment.
One detail I recall reminds me of a dream I had a few months back, logged here as "Consoling an Emasculate Friend...", which involved my friend Andrew; as did last night's dream. I'm pretty sure it took place in an outdoor space that I'm pretty sure I've dreamed of before. I don't know if it's based on a place I've been before, or on an internal space that exists in my dream-space only.
Andrew was there, again naked. This time I was making an effort not to notice, as there was a vulnerability about his aura. But there was a simultaneous need to be seen that came through as a strange mix of guilty and sinister. I did notice that he had a pretty severe skin condition and was both trying to hide and flaunt it. I pretended like it was nothing and made sure that I treated him no different now that I knew this about him.
Suddenly, he grabbed me and started making out with me. I pulled away, though still held close, and thought about what I was doing. In my mind I thought, "Dan's not here, but that doesn't mean I can mess around at will. I have to make sure that Andrew knows that if we do this, we're going to have to have a talk with Dan about it when he gets back. I explained this telepathically to Andrew and he agreed, kissing me again. At first it was thrilling, but then it was kind of gross. He kept sticking his tongue in my mouth, like the first time a boy tried to make out with me. I wasn't sure whether to get into it or laugh out loud.
After a while I lost my interest and walked away. There was a parade going on and I had the feeling that I was supposed to be in it. I made my way into the flowing crowd and realized that I was really near Aaron's new Tattoo shop in Auburn. I dropped in and lo and behold, Aaron was working. He was sitting at his desk and not facing me. John M was there, either working or hanging out. He began trying to fill me in on all this technical information that I had no mind for at the time.
I wanted to see Aaron, but he was being really avoidant. Finally, he turned around in his chair and was talking to me directly. I apologized for not availing myself but as usual, he just talked over me. He was going on and on about how much important stuff I was missing by pissing around and not being a real tattoo artist. It started to make me feel really bad and I started to get kinda angry. I threw it right back at him, accusing him of being a boring old man. This really got under his skin cause then he was yelling at me about how he didn't get this fat by accident. I hadn't noticed, but now I looked at his belly and it was true. He was huge. He was so big, he looked like Mr. Creosote, only blobby and melting into his chair. He was so fat, he couldn't stand up any more and I was wondering if he could still tattoo.
The argument was still open, but I walked away because I knew he wouldn't be able to win and neither would I and I don't like arguing with my friends. I went back out into the street and walked around with John M for a while. He chatted me up about jewelry and costs and all. We just walked through the parade.

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