over 12 years ago
Fighting with Keira to Save Her from the Storm...

I was at home in my apartment. Dan and Keira and the kitties were home as well. It was late, close to midnight, and I was exhausted. I wanted to go to bed, but there was still a lot of stuff I wanted to take care of. I was desperately trying to get Keira to go to bed. She wasn't tired, despite the time, and was mouthing off to me right and left. I was trying to get her to clean up her messes, but she just kept making more messes. Dan wasn't being any help at all.
I finally got her to go into her bedroom and while I was angrily shuffling around, trying to clean up the apartment, a bunch of my family members arrived. A couple of my mom's sisters and their husbands showed up unannounced and wanted to hang out and chat. They had never met Dan so they were excitedly chatting away. All I could think was that this was a terrible introduction because I was exhausted and cranky and didn't want to talk at all.
Then Keira came back out of her room, still wide awake and wanting to continue making messes. I lost my temper and started yelling at her and she was sassing me back, yelling as well. I realized I had no way of controlling her. She's grown up now and I'd lost my function as her parental unit. I could feel the disdain from my family members, as they watched the scene. I could see that they thought we were terrible parents and that they knew how to handle the situation better. But it didn't matter. This was my house and my issue.
I got Keira to go back in her bedroom and I went in the bathroom to take a breather. The bathroom was equally cluttered with her stuff and I just lost it. I started collecting her things and flushing them down the toilet. As soon as I put the stuff in the toilet, I realized I could cause a major clog, but surprisingly, it all went down. Newly inspired, I went back out in the living room to start throwing away her things - the ultimate answer to her lack of desire to help clean up.
Over by the patio window, I looked out and for a brief moment, high up in the sky, I saw the vortex of an upper-atmosphere tornado, snake through the sky and disappear behind some buildings. This was going to be one of _those_ dreams. I panicked and started shouting to everyone that a tornado was on its way. No one wanted to believe me. They thought I was just sensationalizing because I was stressed out.
I gave up trying to clean and ran around making sure the kitties were inside. When I returned to the patio window, a storm surge had come up and was flooding the lawn below our second-story balcony. It was coming up quick and I knew it could mean trouble. I sourced out some towels and blankets and even some of Keira's clothes. I made sure the patio door was secured and then started packing the cloth around the bottom edge. By then the water was already a little above the door jamb. I looked up and out and saw a waterspout come up huge and unexpected right in front of me. It was a beautiful thing, if not so destructive. I was both fearful and in awe.
It dissipated quick, as did the rising water, leaving behind a messy and drenched lawn. In wonder, I watched as more waterspouts dropped down from the clouds and threatened to befall us. I was hysterical, but I knew what to do. I grabbed Keira and tried to convince everyone to get in the center of the apartment. I queried if there was a basement we could go to but we were stuck where we were. I held Keira with ever ounce of protection I could muster. She was suddenly very precious and I was the only one who could protect her.
All of a sudden, with no warning at all, the house flew up into the air, with us inside. I thought for a moment about the Wizard of Oz and how Dorothy's whole house got swept up by a whirling vortex. Being off the ground and spinning, we were all weightless - floating around the apartment, trying not to get flung out a window. I could feel my stomach in my throat and I tried with all my might not to throw up. Dan was scared as we flew around at the mercy of the torrent. I was scared the whole building would be torn apart and we would all be fatally scattered across the city. But instead, the storm dropped us not far from our original grounds. The house survived and, more importantly, everyone was okay.
We were exhausted from the ordeal, so the consensus was that we would all go to bed. It was tricky to figure out where everyone would sleep, because we suddenly had even more guests. My mom and dad were there, as well as grandma and grandpa. We gave them our rooms and I set up a mattress for Keira in the middle of the apartment - the safest place, should another storm come up.
Dan went out on the patio to have a smoke and I decided to join him. While I was grabbing my jacket, I could hear him talking with some people out there. I overheard the guy say that he was the guitarist for the band Dredg. I was like, hey! I know that guy! I haven't seen him in nearly a decade, but I was excited to reunite. But as I made my way outside, I realized it was actually Drew, from Rishloo. He was talking with Dan about Rishloo and what the band was all about. He had a really feminine hair cut and didn't quite look like Drew.

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