almost 13 years ago
Violent Rage to get what I want...

Another dream filled with frustration. With my dad again. At his house? Traveling, trying to pull together necessities. People with conflicting interests. Lots of little children there. Children = annoying little brats that get in my way.
I have little/no money. People around me are spending money like it was nothing, while I have to watch every penny. I'm taking so many concessions. No one else seems to be in this same place.
People have things that I really want. They are misusing them, or ruining them, or losing them. I start to covet all I see. I'm hiding things, trying to keep them out of the hands of the irresponsible. People are thinking I'm weird for acting this way. I have to lie and be deceitful.
There is a mystery. Someone has disappeared - maybe a child. I discover the truth but I keep it to myself. I don't want anyone to know because I feel like it's not important and it's just holding us back.
I have an opportunity to use a computer. I'm searching for something and trying to blog. A woman comes up, trying to change the website. She's persistent and in my way. I start to kick her in the face and head. I'm beating her with every bit of strength in my body. This happens with several people. When they make me angry or get in my way, I just start wailing on them. Violence in my dreams is carried out with an intensity that worries me a little. I especially tend to focus on the face and the head, feeling the impact of my steel-toed boots as I try with all my might to tear the person apart.
Later, some children are in my way. I'm trying to collect something or organize and they just want to play and mess it all up. I end up letting myself trip on one of the kids and I fall with all my weight on all three of them, including a toddler. My hope is that I've crushed them all to death.
My Dad decides to make a trip to somewhere else, not so close by, to find a particular food that was accidentally left behind, and is now being requested by one of the kids. I fly into a rage. I've been eating kitchen scraps and I'm ravenously hungry but I know that we don't have a lot of time and fuel is precious. So I've resigned myself to the understanding I can't have everything I want. When someone is willing to make the effort for this child, to get him whatever he wants, regardless of the cost, I'm angry and disgusted.
My Dad gets mad at me for being so rigid. His wife is disgusted with me as well. I hate everyone in the dream.
Later, I sneak through a door I'm not supposed to enter. It's narrow and leads into a crowded hallway where people are unsure if it's okay that I came through the way I did. I push through the crowd and go up a small flight of stairs into a fancy restaurant. It's packed and there's a performance going on. Standing in the back, by the hostess desk, is Bjork and a companion of hers. I walk slowly towards the back of the room. She sees me and watches me as I approach. Someone distracts me by noticing my presence and trying to tell me that I'm not supposed to be there. I argue my way out by telling them I'm just heading for the door to leave. As I do so, Bjork is no longer in sight.
I leave but even outside I can see in. The walls are an invisible barrier. Bjork is on the stage now, giving a ceremonious speech about the opening of the restaurant and how wonderful it is. I'm hungry as ever and I start to forage for something to eat. There are boxes stacked, that are all packed up for the journey. I open them and steal whatever I want.

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