almost 13 years ago
High School Field Trip Frustration...

Field trip on Orcas Island. With high school class again. Plus several other people who were people I'd met outside of school. We traveled to Orcas on a bus and by ferry. When we arrived, we were to take part in a project that involved putting the finishing touches on a boat that had been built... that was also an airplane. There were many things that needed doing. I volunteered to be part of the painting crew. I painted with this really sticky black enamel? on a roller and it went pretty quickly.
After the projects was wrapped up, the cafeteria opened. But I wasn't hungry. Many people went back to their sleeping bunks to get ready for the night. There was to be a party and we had tons of time to get ready. I had brought a huge box of costumes, make-up, and other accessories. After fitting myself in a skirt/top combo, I started helping others get ready. They were going all out and I started to feel really plainly dressed. I decided to go through my box and piece together a more exciting outfit. I found a sequin tube-top and some sparkly make-up. Then I realized I had to go to the bathroom.
I found the bathroom, but couldn't find a stall that wasn't being used. I realized I was in the men's room and got really embarrassed. I didn't want anyone to see me in there, and then I realized there was a stall open so I ducked in. I guess I went poo because as I was ready to wipe, suddenly the stall door wouldn't stay closed and there were lots of guys walking by. I had to stand up to hold the door shut but then the stall walls were only about waist-high, so everyone could see me.
In addition, the stall I was in was now in the back of the school bus that we arrived in. It was time to leave and people were getting their stuff together and slowly coming back onto the bus. I tried to wipe inconspicuously, but the teacher was watching me with a look of disapproval on her face. I was so humiliated.
By the time I was done, the bathroom was gone entirely, including the sinks so I couldn't wash my hands. I felt disgusting. Also, most of the people had come back already, and most of the seats were full. I looked around in vain for a place to sit. It was going to have to be 3 to a seat no matter what, and the seats that I could see that had 2 people were not people I wanted to sit with. Finally some people moved around so that I would be sitting with Noah and Matt. Not the worst combination, but I could feel that they really didn't want to sit with me. They put me in the middle.
I still hadn't been back to the bunks to pack my stuff, so I asked them if I could out my purse there while I went and grabbed the rest of my things.
I walked to the back of the bus and discovered ample empty seats with footrests and mood lighting and then I saw all the other people who I knew from outside of school, walking toward the bus. They would need seats too and they'd likely sit with me in these empty seats. Quickly I ran back to my purse to retrieve it, but the boys had hidden it and wouldn't tell me where it was. They just acted like jerks, trying to infer that I had left no purse and that I was crazy.
I went back and took off my sweatshirt, laying it down on the seat I wanted, hoping to deter others from taking it. Then I went back to the boys. I told them that we couldn't leave until I had my shit and I needed the key in my purse in order to get my shit. Noah handed me a key and I figured this was the best I was going to be able to accomplish and I was running out of time to actually pack and retrieve my things, so I took it. But as I headed back to my seat, I realized it was the wrong key. It wasn't even a key, at that.
I was livid and didn't know what to do. The teacher announced that the bus would be leaving in less than 30 mins. As I approached my saved seat, I saw Tracy had sat down there. But there were still 2 empty seats next to her. In the outside seat, a cute boy whom I knew from outside had sat down, hoping I would sit next to him. I figured, worst case scenario, I'll just fall asleep on his shoulder.
With that thought in mind, I got off the bus to try and go get my stuff.
Then the dream ended.

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