almost 13 years ago
Make-Shift Bomb Squad...

Fragmented on waking, this dream is crying out to be remembered. I wish I could remember the essential part that was seemingly important enough to make me stop in the dream and tell myself not to forget it. Unfortunately, it was the ringing of my partner's phone that drew me out of it and such a rude awakening often leads to patchy recall of dreams for me.
I remember a river. No, prior to that, a lake. Lake Washington? I was kayaking, which in this world was a combination of rowing crew and boogie-boarding. I remember hauling myself out of the water as I came across a busy spot. I was simultaneously trying to talk with my mom on the phone, but had to hold the phone in my mouth for much of it, to keep it out of the water.
Once on land, I lose the trail, but it picks back up with being at a river that wends through an evergreen forest. I was with a crew of people, one of whom was Dan's new friend Rick. Rick had a warehouse along the river, that I was hanging out at. While there, I learned that there was a man downstream who was planting a bomb that threatened all of us. We hopped in a large van and began driving the cedar trail. We came upon a man, clearly the perpetrator, returning from the river and we had a clear idea of where the bomb was hidden. We realized that it would be impossible to remove the bomb without first disabling him, so we had to kill him first. In a whirl of commotion, I lashed out. My action turned him into an aluminum can and I was able to crush him with ease. Under the pressure of my foot, the can exploded and I understood that I had stomped his brains out. But as I walked away, he turned back into human form and didn't appear terribly damaged or wounded. Still, I felt victorious. Someone else had disabled the bomb and we were soon on our way back to wherever we had come.
Once there, I found myself faced with the task of having to bear the news of our success to my friend Jesse, whom I had just learned was engaged to marry the man I'd just killed. She showed up at my door and I asked if I could make her some tea. She was feeling ill so we made peppermint. I left her for a moment, as something distracted me, but when I returned, the tea had been ruined by a roommate of mine. While I attempted to make it one more time, I thought of how I was going to break the news to her.
She was chatting with a few of my other roommates. As I waited, I went and sat in the back of a Ford Bronco. I remember this part, because one of my common recurring themes in dreams is insects. But it's been quite a while since I've had an insect dream. Suddenly Jesse was with me and I started to try and tell her what happened, but I heard a distinct buzzing. There were three large and angry hornets in the car with us. I knew they were not pleased about our presence there and the buzzing only got louder and louder. I thought maybe there was a nest and the car would soon be filled with them so we quickly ejected from the vehicle.
Back inside, I tried once more to make tea but it was taking so long, I decided just to tell her about her fiance. But apparently one of my roommates already had, because she blurted it out before I could say anything. I affirmed that it was true but she was already in the know and seemingly not so disturbed. I guess she was trying to find a way out of the marriage anyway.
From there, the dream jumped. The small apartment we were in opened into a large warehouse and I seem to remember the presence of Michael Manahan. But this is where I officially lose the dream due to cellphone interruption.
I sense there was much more to it. I sense far more interesting and profound themes. But it's lost to the ether.

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