17 years ago
Lucid Sex-Change...

I have only just recently awoken from a most powerful night of productive dream-time that left me both horrified that I should have to leave such a pleasant and meaningful place, as well as super excited to be awake so that I might reflect on the wonders of the rarity of my dream images. I was also fortunate last night to have had the conscious collection to check my clock at one point, giving me a bit of a time-line for the occurrence of my dreams.
It all began rather early - I was in bed by 9:30, asleep by 10, I'm sure. As usual, my senses were controlled with the use of earplugs to dampen noise and a soft, warm blanket wrapped around my eyes to eliminate light pollution. It had been a monumentally challenging day, on top of three weeks of the same and this night of sleep could not have been put to better use. I fell asleep immediately and deeply. My dreams came, in their usual way - without a memorable beginning.
There was a moment where I was walking down a street at night. Despite the darkness of the sky, all was fairly well lit and everything around me possessed a level of clarity I can only describe as hyper-real. I felt a familiar sense of lightness that has seized me in my dreams more recently and I decided to explore it. This is the turning point.
I floated off the ground and tumbled through space. All of a sudden I became lucid. I don't remember the exact moment, or even what triggered it, but I was there, standing in the street, fully conscious that I was in a dream. The thing that was different about this level of lucidity, from others in the past, is that there was no sense of urgency, as if I needed to act as quickly as possible lest I lose the dream... I was free to do as I pleased at my own pace. My usual lucid dream imagery was there in the form of a spa of sorts at my left. But I was not alone in the street, so I decided to play there first, leaping into the air and doing all sorts of acrobatics in almost complete weightlessness. The people for whom I was performing seemed less than impressed so I finally decided to see what else I could do in my dream.
I walked into the spa and immediately found a hot tub or some kind of bath tub in the back, in which sat a young, thin, naked woman. I entered the tub with her and she opened herself to me. I began stroking an imaginary penis but then realized I had the power to make anything possible and I really wanted to fuck this woman, so I pushed down from inside me and lo and behold, I grew a penis. it emerged from inside of me and then became my natural genitalia. There may have been a bit of kissing and fondling in there but it was all hard to remember because as I approached to enter her, the feeling of the head of my penis making contact with her labia made me come instantly and for a brief moment, I woke up to find I was experiencing actual contractions. I fell back into the dream only to find myself climaxing again and though it was fantastic, I don't remember much more of what happened in regards to my sexual exploits in the dream.
After that, I decided to see what else I could do. I found myself outside, back on the street and way up in the sky, far far away, I saw vibrant, rich colors blooming from an unknown source. It reminded me of the Aurora Borealis and I wanted to paint the sky with its luminosity, so I began to fly to it. I was floating weightlessly, traveling towards the bright, scintillating blossom. But it was so far away. I remembered that since this was merely a dream, I didn't have to travel there, I could just be there. But as soon as I arrived, I woke. I glanced at my clock to see that it was merely 1:30am. Elated that I still had 5 hours available for sleeping, I rolled over and passed out.

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