over 12 years ago
Galactic Yoga and Scarification

Within a huge magnificent ashram there is a giant yoga class in session. There had to be at least 150 people in the class. I am standing at the entrance observing. One entire side of the ashram is made of glass and the building is over looking an awe inspiring alien landscape. I stare out and admire the scenery for a while. So much vegetation....huge trees.... a sparkling lake in the distance.... the light is a beautiful golden yellow, what a beautiful planet this was. I then realize that I am supposed to be in the class. I enter further into the ashram and am observing all the beings. There are people of every race and many different alien beings as well.... it seems it is a galactic yoga class. Everyone is in very neatly formed lines. There are several rows of people in the front of the room and then about a ten foot gap and then another five or so rows of people in the back of the room. There is not really anywhere for me to fit within the rows so I end up doing my practice in the gap. I find this very weird that I am not within the formation, but no one else seems to notice or care. I then realize that Solomoon is the teacher! He is a very profound and important teacher to me in my waking life and I am so happy for him..... he has been chosen to lead galactic yoga classes!!!! He's that good!!! I am thrilled to be with all of these wonderful beings in such an amazing ashram on a beautiful alien planet and to be guided through my practice by such an incredible teacher!!!! I glance behind me and see that another amazing teacher from my waking life is there as well.... In this dream he is called Angel..... but pronounced how you would say it in Spanish...Ahn-hel...... He is directly behind me and Solomoon is in front of me. I am thinking to myself.... my goodness.... both of these amazing beings/teachers are here together in one room.... wowza that's a recipe for some high vibrational hooo-ha. I stare back at Angel again and he gives me the most bizarre look, the emotion its linked with is really unidentifiable for me. He steps out of his place in the yoga line and walks down the center of the gap into another room of the ashram. I then find myself sitting at a long table in the room he just entered, and the mood of the dream has changed drastically. There are many people at the table. To my left five or so women who I don't recognize and to my right three men I don't recognize along with Solomoon, Angel and a man who looks almost identical to Angel. I think its odd that there is a segregation of gender happening at the table. Angel calls my attention. Everyone is looking at me very seriously and I feel like I am on trial or something.... like I am being tested. Angel says very loudly and sternly, "YOU HAVE TO MEET THIS MAN", referring to the man next to him who literally appears to be his twin. I look at him and Angel says, "This is Jack S- something" (I can't remember the last name but I know it began with S). I am studying Jack and notice that he has crazy scars all over. There are scars in rows of three then a gap then another row of three and then a gap and so on all the way up his arms and on to his neck. I know that they are all over his body. The scars were from very very deep wounds.... you know the wormy looking kind of scars.... They seemed so intentionally laid out on his body, like scarification. I look at him for a long while and everyone at the table is still looking at me very intensely to see what I do..... I say to Jack, "Your scars are beautiful". He penetrates me with his gaze and says, "Do you have any idea how much pain they cause me?" His scars then begin to open up and its almost like you can see into his body through them, they start looking like gills.... They all continue to stare at me.......

This dream was really potent for me. In the past I have glorified teachers in my life. Looked past their darkness and almost forgot that they were human just like the rest of us. I think this dream was teaching me more about that side of myself.......Also, the imagery of rows and then a gap between has been lingering with me..... not sure what that means.....

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