almost 13 years ago
Universal Mountain... Mt. Sumeru?

I'm visiting my friend Liz in her new apartment. She is showing me around the place. She takes me into the bedroom and the room is packed with at least twenty beds. I ask her why she has so many beds. She says its because she likes variety and that the bed she chooses to sleep on for the night dictates what kind of dreams she has. I find this very interesting and want to see what each bed feels like. I lay down on one and am not satisfied. I go to the next and the next feeling a bit like Goldylocks. Finally I find one that feels great. It is the most comfortable bed I've ever been in. I curl up and she says, "ooh, thats a good one". She invites me to take a nap and I almost immediately fall asleep.

Now dreaming within a dream I find myself walking on a narrow path through a meadow. I look behind me and can see the ocean in the distance. I feel so at peace with the environment. The air smells like all the best smells I've ever experienced rolled up into one sent. I look ahead and see a gigantic mountain. I hear a voice from the ether.....CLIMB....CLIMB.....CLIMB. I reach the base of the mountain and the path ends. I look around for the best way to get up the mountain and begin my trek. There are ferns and moss covering most of the base and I take my shoes off to feel them on my feet. I am walking upwards through this fern jungle. Then the ground begins to get more rocky and much more vertical. I find myself scampering on all fours up big rock piles. I feel very primal and animalistic. It is then when I feel the presence of the animals that dwell on this mountain. They know I am there and I can feel them watching me . They are appearing to me in their spirit form. I go through my movements upwards and can feel each one coming out and through me. I start making noises and quicken my pace.

I reach the base of the first major rock formation I must climb. It looks near impossible but I tell myself to take it slow and pay attention and I will make it. I begin and it feels like I am climbing forever. My muscles are trembling and I start feeling week. I am getting clumsy. I don't think I can make it and then I hear a voice, "you must keep going." I think to myself is that Liz talking to me from her house? Then I realize the voice is androgynous and I can't make out if it is male or female. Either way, the words inspired me to push myself to the top of the formation. When I pull myself over the edge I see an injured person. Aha, the source of the inspiring words! I still can't tell if this person is male or female, but I do know that they need help. It is apparent that they can't walk. I say, "we need to get you down this mountain!" They say that the only way to get down the mountain is to continue going up it. I am slightly confused but decide that, yes, this is true. It just feels right. I squat down and tell them to get on my back. I am now giving them a piggy back ride and we continue upwards.

We reach a cliffside and the only way to get to the top, is to climb it. With this person on my back I begin climbing. It is the hardest I have ever worked my body. I am breathing deep, trembling, and screeching out. I am crying and thinking we are never going to make it. We are far enough off the ground that one slip would kill us both. I am struggling so much and am tempted to let go. Again the voice from the ether comes in and says, NO! CLIMB! I feel the person on my back begin to get scared. This makes me even more uneasy. They are giving up and it makes me want to give up. I am still pulling us up inch by inch. My finger tips are bleeding from the amount of pressure of pulling two people up a rock face. My muscles feel like they are going to explode. It is so painful..... Then I feel a light breeze and it almost feels like someone is pushing me upwards. I am able to scamper up the rock all of a sudden. We reach the top and the person on my back asks to be set down. They can stand now and they have wild and tattered wings. This is why things got lighter....... They were using their wings to help out. They look at me and nod. We have almost reached the top. There is one small ridge left to climb. We walk up it gracefully. By this time, night fall has come. I am having a hard time seeing in front of me. We reach the top of the ridge and I am seeing a tremendous glow. We find a rock big enough for us both to sit on. We take our perch and look out over the mountain. To my surprise there is no mountain. We are looking out over the universe from our rock. Millions of stars and colorful bursts. Clusters of planets orbiting around suns. Vast, Vast, outer space for as far as the eye can see. I am speechless. The being I am with asks me if I would like to go home and I say no. They say, come on, follow me. They stand on the rock and dive right into this cosmic space. They are flying around.... I stand up and they whiz by me, COME ON! I hold my breath and jump as if I were jumping into water. I follow their lead and am soaring through a wormhole. I am spinning and twirling as I soar. We are gaining much speed. Faster and faster. They reach back and grab my arm, shaking it a little. It is jarring. I wake up in the bed at Liz's houses. Liz has my arm and is shaking it saying Helen, wake up. I sit up swiftly. I am disoriented. I look at her and she is no longer Liz but a middle aged woman with long auburn hair.

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