almost 13 years ago
Dragon spirit house 101

Last year I lived in an old house in the 5 points area. Eight people lived there in total, so it was hard to feel alone. There had been a consistent turn over of people living in the house for a few years before I was there and while I was there. Because of this there were many objects left behind from roommates of the past....... end tables, books, kitchen ware, food, typewriters, chairs and various other things. I can remember asking the same question many times....... "Does anyone know who's this is?" This constant change in people, the amount of people living there, and the lingering objects gave the house a very transient vibe.

The house was right across the street from a mortuary and next to a church. The mortuary would actually cremate the bodies and many of the ashes were kept in a crypt below the church next door. We observed many people grieving from across the street as they would enter the mortuary for funeral services. I often thought about who the deceased were when they were alive, and if they were making the transition peacefully into death.......

Strange things often happened in the house. There were measuring cups hanging above the stove in the kitchen. They looked like they had not moved from there spot in at least a year. They were covered in dust and even had a few small cobwebs on them. Once while I was cutting vegetables on the counter opposite of the stove two of the measuring cups came flying in my direction as if someone had thrown them at me. I turned around and no one was there...... Once I was playing drums with a few friends and we were getting really into it. With our drum sticks, we were turning everything in the room into a percussion instrument...... chair legs, the floor, the shelves....... The vibration of the room was getting more and more intense. We were playing harder and faster. I felt a rush come over my body and it made me really uneasy. I felt like we were evoking something. Then one of my friends picked up a big thick glass milk jug and started tapping his drum stick on it. It made a high pitched sound that sent goose bumps down my spine. I told him to stop, and he put down the jug. We played for a bit longer and then he picked it back up again. I was on the floor and he was standing above me. He tapped it with his stick and the thing exploded. Everyone stopped playing. Glass went everywhere. It happened about a foot over my head and somehow two big pieces had enough force to get driven deeply into my leg. It was shocking. I went to the bathroom and pulled the glass out of my leg. They went really deep. I cleaned myself up and sat there thinking "that glass was so thick. It is strange that a light tap would make it explode like that and at such a penetrating force"....... My roommate started telling me about bizarre experiences she was having..... We couldn't tell if we had ghosts or if the house just had such an accumulation of energy in it that these things were almost like releases of it..... One day I was sitting on the couch in the living room with my friend Lindsay. I kept looking out ahead of me at a Mary tapestry that hung over one of the kitchen windows. I was telling her about the strange activity my roommate and I were encountering. Right when I was at the climax of describing the glass bottle experience the window I kept staring at flew open. It was a vertical window that you push up from the bottom. Impossible for it to open on its own. We got up and went to the window thinking maybe one of my roommates had opened it from the outside. We looked out, no one was there. We were spooked. She ended up leaving right afterwards. All of these things are fairly insignificant and could have some logical explanation, so I tried not to give them much weight. Then things started getting really strange....
One night there were just three members of the house at home, Sean, Drew, and myself. The boys were upstairs and I was downstairs walking from the living room to the kitchen. As I entered in I saw a person duck down behind the counter. I was convinced it was one of my roommates, Abe, who had quietly come in the back door (as he so often did). I thought he was hiding and was going to jump out and scare me so I crept around the corner to sneak up on him. There was no one there. I went to the opppostie end of the kitchen where I could clearly see the space where the figure had just been. I said Abe's name a few times. I was feeling pins and needles in my arms. I looked away and saw a figure crouched down in the corner, hiding, in my perifereal vision. I looked back and then there was nothing. I decided I was not going to fear this presence and I walked straight towards it. I sat down on a stool next to it and didn't look directly at it. As long as I did this I could see it. It was an amaciated naked boy. He was so frightened. We were communicating telapathicly. I told him it was ok. I was not going to harm him. He told me that he was so so hungry and thats why he liked to hang out in the kitchen. I was feeling for this spirit so much. I wanted to give him comfort. I wanted to satisfy his hunger. I extended my hand out to him and tried to send him some of my energy. I let him take from me in an attempt to satiate him. Then Drew and Sean walked into the kitchen. I was relieved to see them. They immediately new something strange was happening. I explained to them what was going on. All the while I sat there letting him feed. Sean kept his distance and Drew came right over. He could feel what was happening, that I am sure of. We stayed in the kitchen a while longer and then Drew and Sean coaxed me into going outside. I said goodbye to the spirit boy and followed my friends.
Later on that evening I am tossing and turning trying to get to sleep. Sean is next to me totally out. I feel really alone. I keep drifting off to sleep and when I am still in that liminal state I feel this tentacle-like thing attaching to the top of my head and sucking. I open my eyes and feel a strong dark presence next to my bed. I am trying to figure out if it is the spirit boy from the kitchen. I am thinking, was that boy in the kitchen manipulating me into thinking he was a small starving child so I would give to him????? Is he really this giant dark force that is now by my bed side?????? Or is this force in my bedroom a different entity living in the house that caught on to the fact that I would sacrifice myself to spirits?????? I went through this process for hours drifting to sleep feeling the tentacle, waking, and thinking these questions. I finally get to sleep at about 3am. I am asleep for about an hour I awake abruptly to the feeling that something is hovering around my head. I blink my eyes open and feel something jump off of my pillow. The pillow inflates again around my head. I get up and go to Drew's room. He is awake, thank goodness. I tell him all about my night and he helps get my mind off the subject. I am awake until morning.
After talking to my roommate I learned that all the girls in the house had experienced the sensation of a being around their heads that sprung from their pillows when they awoke.
After this experience anytime I was alone in a room I felt beings. This house seemed to be a train station for spirits. Some were stuck there and others were just passing through. Most of what I felt seemed to have been human at one time. The other things felt like they had never been human and were much darker and more powerful than the ghosts. It was one of these entities that I felt that night in my bedroom. After living there a while I also felt that the house itself was a living spirit. It just felt like the house was always observing you. The spirit of the house felt like dragon energy. I almost felt like you had to please the dragon energy of the house and then the spirits would leave you alone. It was so unique.... establishing an interpersonal relationship with this house.

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