almost 13 years ago
My conversation with the earth's core

I was on a boat on the ocean and it started sinking. I was not afraid, more relieved by the refreshing rush I got after jumping into the water. After the boat sank four other people, who I did not know, and myself, were all swimming east together. We were sure we would find land if we kept heading east. After swimming for a long while without any sight of land we discussed an alternative. As we treaded water we came up with a plan. We decided that if we swam straight down and kept swimming and swimming that we would eventually pop up on the other side of the world. We were hoping that we would have a better chance of finding land on the other side of the world. For some reason it seemed like a full proof plan. One of the men that I was with had two waterproof lights on him and he gave one to me. We turned them on and as a group we began swimming downward.

After holding my breath for as long as I could, I started panicking and thinking to myself we are never going to make it. I knew we were too far down to head back up for air, I wouldn't make it to the surface. Then I got a rush of courage and decided that I was just going to let myself breath in the sea water. I did so and it worked, I was fine! I looked around and all the people I was with were all breathing in sea water as well. We could breath under water somehow! The lights we had were great, we were observing all the sea life as we swam past. All the life we passed seemed thrilled to see us. Giant fish I have never seen before were swimming right up to us and brushing up against us. Beautiful brightly colored sea horses were all around. Amazing coral reefs and tiny glowing fish...... It was so beautiful.

As we swam further and further down we passed huge rock formations and under water hot springs. Vast unknown landscapes were all around. Then it got very, very, hot. We could see an incredible indigo glowing light in the distance. I felt a huge surge of energy rush over me as I thought to myself.... We are going to see the center of the earth! As we approached, the amount of heat I was feeling was overwhelming. It was putting me into a trance. I was feeling such a deep love. We came up on the light and hovered for a while, staring in complete awe. The core of the earth was a gigantic light being. It almost resembled a plasma ball. It was a sphere of purple/lavender light that had double helixes infinitely spinning inside of it. There were lightning bolt arms coming off of it in every direction (it kind of reminded me of a plasma ball). The bolts were not harmful and some of them were reaching out and touching us. As soon as I felt them my whole being was birthed anew. I was so present and in love with this being. I was this being and it was me. I felt all the harm that humans had done to the earth and it made my heart break. I was interacting with the inner essence of the earth and it was so beautiful. How could we harm this beautiful being???! I was angry. Then the being calmed me and told me that it was ok. It said that it forgave us, forgave us all. It said that it has great strength and that it will be ok. It was not going to let us damage it beyond repair. I looked around and the people I was with were starting to swim on. I looked lovingly upon this magnificent being, thanked it, and said goodbye. I began swimming with the others.
I was so charged.

We swam by more amazing rocks and sea life. We swam and swam. Finally we could see rays of sunlight shining through the water. We were approaching the surface. We reached it and took our first breaths of air. I looked around and realized we were no longer in the ocean and instead were now in Brainard Lake outside of Ward, Colorado. We swam to the shore and one of my friends from high school came speeding around in her 4runner and we all hopped in. We 4wheeled down the mountain not saying a word. We were all stunned by the sight we had just witnessed.

This image of the core of the earth is forever imprinted on my being. It was by far the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. I am so grateful for this experience....

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