11 years ago
Martina Hoffmann's House Guests

Walking up a path to Martina Hoffmann's house I see Sister Bright Eyes perched on a stone in the garden. She is wearing a deep purple/indigo velvet cloak. The hood is up and she is peering out of it. Looking at whoever comes up the walk. She is not moving at all and as I get closer I begin to wonder if it is actually a statue of Bright Eyes in Martina's garden. I get about an arms length away from her and realize that yes it is a statue of her. I stare at her in awe of how realistic the sculpture is. I reach out to touch her and then in a flash I am in Martina's house. I am standing at a high round table that has fabric and tapestries flowing all around it. There are oracle cards on the table. Robert Venosa had begun painting the imagery for the cards before he passed and Martina was finishing them. I am looking through them and find a card that is of Sister Bright Eyes. She is depicted in the card in the exact way I just saw her in the garden. A painting of her in Martina's garden wearing an indigo velvet cloak with the hood on, perched on a stone, and peering out at the viewer. I realize she looks a lot younger than the Bright Eyes I know. Maybe around middle or early high school age. She looks sad in the card. She looks like she is missing something. She also looks trapped in the card. I am staring at her pondering how I could get her out of the card. Very strange emotion was running through me. Eery. An instant later all these people come in stand around the table. Their presence is very peculiar. They don't feel human at all. They feel like beings from other realms wearing human suits. The energy they carry is feeling much different than the frequency I am at. I leave the table and walk out into this room where dozens of Robert Venosa's paintings are. They are everywhere, scattered about. Martina enters and is crying. She comes and talks to me and describes what she has been going through since Robert's passing. She keeps looking at me with tears in her eyes saying "I have all of his paintings!" She didn't know what to do with all of his work and was feeling very thin and vulnerable. As we are talking the beings from earlier come and surround us. Their energy is very focused on Martina. They are drawing energy from her and as they do so she becomes very witchy feeling. Her energy shifts and I begin to feel very uncomfortable. I walk away from them and find myself standing infront of a big painting done by Robert Venosa. I feel Robert so strongly at this point. HIs spirit is there with me. He is so pure, so angelic. He is pure, pure, pure. I feel deep into the the connection that he and Sister Bright Eyes have. He lets me feel the divinity that flowed through him while painting. It was so beautiful. The portrait I stood before was a portrait of Sister Bright Eyes' partner, Adrian. It is a side profile view of his face but somehow he is looking out at the viewer with both eyes. I am captivated by the mood of the painting. It feels so transient. The colors are various shades of oranges, reds, browns, and blues. I am staring deep into his eyes and feeling the purity of his being. Martina and the gaggle of beings come over to me and Martina starts talking to me again. She is desperate to tell me something but these beings have such a hold on her that she can't get it out. As they lock into her deeper she gazes towards the painting. With all of her, and their, focus on the painting it begins to change. Adrian's eyes start sinking back into his head until finally they are hollowed out. Like his essence and the essence of the painting have been completely drained. I am so weirded out by this point. I take one last look around the room at all of Venosa's work. There is a white liquidy light essence undulating around most of them. Then I leave the home.

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