12 years ago
The life of crows and hawks / Holographic catalogue of spirit guides

I am in spirit form. I am perched high up in a very large tree. I feel very bird like. There are crows flying all around me but they do not see me. They are playing mating games with one another. Dancing with each other as they fly so high. There are many other large trees all around with crows inhabiting them all. I watch as they choose their mates.... I am captivated. Then out of no where a crow I had not noticed before zooms past me. She is unique. Her wing tips are pearlescent purple as well as her crown! I immediately identify with her. I feel like I am her. She flies to a group of male crows who have not yet found mates. She zooms around them feeling out the right one. One of the males flies after her. Chasing her around, they are making incredible noises. Meanwhile, many more crows have congregated in the area... Sooo many of them are flying all around. I am still fixated on the purple crow and the male who is courting her.... They embrace in mid flight. A stunning sensual dance! Then it seems I fast-forward in time a bit. I am still perched in the same tree but now all of the females have laid their eggs. They have made beautiful nests. The pearlescent purple crow has found an opening in the side of the tree to tuck her nest into. I watch as she flies around finding things to adorn her nest with..... Then I spot a group of three or so red tail hawks flying in the distance. At this very moment all the crows seem to be gone from the tree trying to find sticks for their nests. I am the only one who sees the hawks coming. They are coming in fast. One of them zooms past me and sees me! The first being to spot me in the dream. We make SERIOUS eye contact. His eyes are piercing. The moment is long and I keep switching from me on my perch staring deep into him and then me as him staring back at me. The moment is over and I am now back to my original perspective. He begins ransacking the nests.... eating the eggs.... I am frantic but can do nothing. He spots the opening in the tree where the purple crow has her nest. I send out a telepathic surge to the crows to return..... Your babies are being eaten come quick! The hawk enters the opening and I hear him ripping into the eggs. Then a swarm of the male crows swiftly enter the scene. They are circling the hawk. The purple crow is back, the male crows wont let her in to the circle. Almost like they were like, let the men handle this. The hawk mid bite finally notices he is surrounded. I think to myself, oh no! They are going to kill the hawk. I begin feeling bad for sending out an alert. I now feel like I am the hawk and am very frightened. The crows go in for the kill. I look away and see the purple crow circling around the tree. She is so upset. She knows her babies are dead. My heart is aching for both this beautiful purple mama and the hawk......

I also wanted to share this small dream sequence from a few nights ago. My partner has been sick for about a week now. Lately at night he has been coughing a lot. I woke to him having a coughing fit the other night. He couldn't stop. I felt his throat straining and his sleepy head just wanted a full nights rest. As the fit passes and we both start slipping back into slumber my dream body is still very much aware of his suffering. Dreaming now I call out to guides who want to help my partner. In a flash a scrolling stream of head shots of beings comes streaming across my vision. They were seriously like yearbook photos of hundreds of guides who were willing to help. It reminded me of Mortal Kombat when you are choosing your character. Then I see the perfect guide. I stop the the scrolling of images and touch the photo of the guide. Their name is Rainbow Nandie. As I touch the image the creature materializes in a holographic manner. I ask it to aide my partner in his journey back to health.....

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