almost 16 years ago
The Awakening

My experiences with the grandmother have shown me the infinite wisdom that is contained within our universe and there can be no hiding the fact that we as human beings have work to do and this form of learning is one of the many ways that we can use to reach that blessed shore of knowing.

The first time I had taken the Grandmother into me I was not entirely certain what to expect, the warm feeling of the stomach, expecting to see visions with my physical eyes intertwining with the world around me, it was not long into the experienced that I received the calling, the lesson of how to journey for my individual self was to go inward, this is a lesson that few of us in the modern world know how to integrate inside anything that we do.   To close ones eyes and yet retain an ability to "see".  To idea is absurd to a linear way of thinking, but it happens, within moments of reaching these truths my body is quickly vacated and I am no longer conscious is just one realm of existence.

I wouldn't describe the process as painful, but the virgin departure of a young man who was so sure of the "one" reality that he could see,  smell and touch was just as shocking to me as it must be for a newborn baby coming screaming into this world from the warm safe and secure womb of his mother.  Leaving behind our physical mother earth was very much the same for me as I leaped unassured into the unknown of the 'otherworld'

This process of journeying takes time to master and develop understandings of what is to be found on that other side which all of us recount differently upon returning from its miraculous realms. 

Some of the most powerful visions I have had are often the only ones I can truly recall to speak and write about, but the body remembers...The soul remembers...The heart remembers, even if the mind does not, you retain the countless lessons of this newfound Kingdom of universal knowledge.

I will recount one of the most profound experiences for those who might try to understand what it is like to be in a visionary state that you can't simply escape from by opening your eyes.

The very first time I experienced a journeying state, The music playing was a powerful chant with an increasing tempo, I could feel the ayahuasca spreading deeper and deeper into my body as if every cell of my body was absorbing its properties to facilitate some type of newfound nourishment, Instinctively curling into the fetal position I was trying to resist the effects as my teeth chattered and my entire body began to shake almost as if the room itself were inducing a type of spiritual birth labour, the tempo continued to increase and the chanting became louder and louder, until the entire room was the music itself, I thought I would scream, my mind told me I would vomit if this continued, rising, rising and rising the energy rose until I was engulfed in this energy that was lifting me higher and higher with the sensation of 'something' that I would later Identify as "EGO", attempting to hold me down in my body: 


And just when I thought the mind could take no more of this rising energy, almost weeping for a release, The silence that followed was as if it were a great explosive force of 'nothingness'.   As I looked around me, nothing could be seen but stars, and my world as I knew it ceased to exist.  

Trying to make sense of this newfound way of being,  I spun round and round attempting to find a point of reference to achieve some sort of bearings in a world without measurements and linear thought.  It was then I realized the horrifying truth that I had no body...panic seemed like something so far away...as if another person were screaming from across the universe that I should be scared, but as the moments past I found bliss within this existence, the light of the stars fed me and the more I became accustomed I began to hear without hearing, I began to see objects coming towards me from distant areas of space one of which seemed to be a massive spiral object from it emmited a deep and resonating:


That seemed to have no beginning or End...The sound was beautiful beyond description and as I focused on this spiral I desired to get closer and no sooner then I made my intent clear I travelled nearer until It became large enough that I could see what it was.

Beings, Millions and Millions of them, beyond count, holding hands to form perfect circles, with arms outstretched the circles of beings stood atop of the one beneath them, so high they stood it seemed as if hundreds of thousands of these circles were stacked atop of the other, each spinning in an opposite direction to the one above and below it.  Closer and closer they came and constant they sang so that the sound filled my entire consciousness and there was nothing else but these beings and myself.   It was then before I could decide anything that I realized I had become part of this masterpiece, I looked left and right and saw I was hand in hand with these beings as part of this chain of circles and out of my chest burst forth the sound of creation to join my essence with the billions of others in the construct of life; 


Time ceased to exist and I became aware of the energy that rose from the center of our construct, rising from the base and bursting forth from the peak and spiraling through the universe to who knows where?  It was then I realized...We 'are' the creator, whom knows where this energy goes, it requires no linear thoughts or planning, it simply is, and always will be.

And then it ended, I sat up shocked, Eternity had only lasted mere moments, and I had returned to my earthly body, relieved but shaken I felt glad to have returned.  yet within moments I began to slip away again, this time more peacefully and vision after vision flowed into my minds eye and I realized the absolute truth to the journeying process...


Its so simple

Nothing is required that isn't already present

Just be

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