over 9 years ago
Hear the call of divinity

Hear the call of divinity

There is a psychic message being broadcast to those with the capacity to perceive it. I've caught on and now I'm sharing the message.

We as humans have the opportunity to transform our consciousness into something much more than it is now. We can become much more than human, and exist in much more than just physicality. We can eradicate all suffering from our awareness and turn our lives into the most beautiful , exhilarating, complex, poetic expression of awareness imaginable. We can become psychic and help others with it. We can develop powers like the x-men. We can fly outside our bodies and have epic adventures in other worlds every night. We can be in the heavens and exist as booming planes of technicolor and expansive states of grace that nuclearize our hearts. We can be infinitely healthy and amazingly athletic in our bodies. We can become immortal. We can manifest a utopian society where everyone is an expert artist, performer, musician, and magician, where our buildings are luminescent and our society is free .everyone works together and everyday is paradise. Imagine the technology we could invent when our brains are 100% in use and war is no longer a focus.

Utopian life on earth is just scratching the surface of what is possible when we choose to live in the light- to align ourselves with nature and attune ourselves to source. We are to purify our spirits and we will be granted everlasting life, plus magic powers to play with.

Ultimately we can ascend completely beyond the physical, but until then we can live simultaneously among dimensions. By confronting our aversions and resolving our karma, we can become more than human. Ultimately it's the breaking down of the ego that connects us to the source of all life. In doing so, we will not die mortal deaths. We will become supreme beings free to teleport across galaxies and download information from the collective. We will be experts at worldly tasks.

Now, spirit tells me that because the times that we are in , year 2014, around the precession of the equinox, it means that our society is coming to a breaking point- a split if you will. We are running out of time to evolve. If we don't step into the light, and climb the ladder of ascension, we will perish soon. We won't be able to live until we are old and grey. We are running out of time. Our earth is running out of water, nuclear warfare and revolt feels eminent, etc. While human beings have had the opportunity to become godly beings all along (and many have, and poof left the planet) right now the conditions on earth are ripe for consciousness evolution. It won't take decades to reach immortality now. The novel circumstances and just the overall available energy is ever increasing and allows for a much quicker evolution.

many believe that being in year 2014 means that the consciousness revolution is destined and they are cheering it on waiting for it to happen. They are sadly mistaken thinking that they can wait around for utopia to come. The message says that there is no time to waste on your personal ascension work because if you don't stay on top of it you will literally manifest death through disease , catastrophe, nuclear war, etc. we create our own realities people! Don't you see? Those who are choosing ignorance and who aren't living like warriors won't survive for very much longer.Their consciousness will be recycled back , to be born again and try again. While there's no time to waste, as long as you honestly dedicate yourself to purifying yourself *cough*psychedelics*cough* meditation *achoo!!!* meAning inner exploration , and self work to release your ego attachments bred from confusion and illusion....then you will be granted your freedom. Lack of time will not stop you. Time is not the deciding factor here. It's your constant decisions to choose life over stagnation, and to choose truth over looking the other way.

I will give a few song references that hint towards this. In system of a downs "arials" he says "swimming thru the void we hear the word - we lose ourselves but we find it all" He also says "when you free your eyes eternal prize"I see the void as the disembodied state of consciousness, hearing the word is hearing the message of divinity, the word of god. We lose ourselves but we find it all. We must lose our ego identification and we find everything we ever wanted /needed/ or could ask for and more. We will literally be In heaven like the bible hinted towards. What does heaven look and feel like to you? Because you can manifest that. Aligning to source will fulfill you in every possible sense of the word . You may not get everything you were hoping for, but will always find that you never really wanted those things anyway, because god grants all that you truly want or could ever need- regardless of what that looks like.

Nahko bear is aloha ke akua says "
I cry for those who will get left behind, but everything will change in the blink of an eye, and if you wish to survive you will find the guide inside" once you start to awaken, god will guide you along the path of innocence to immortality through visions and auditory hallucinations, etc. If you dare to look the answers will be there wether you are clairvoyant yet or not. Nahko bear has heard the call. In the song he also so harmonically says "bodies on consignment, return 'em to the circus." Consignment like if you don't claim your life force, your personal power, your drop of awareness will be returned to the ocean. People who have visions of the divine matrix , or the grid, the source of all life,are shown how it's like a circus. A place of wonders where games are played- that's like how the universe is. He also says "till I day that I don't wake up and transcend the holy mAkeup, I am on my way to a different place" ascension is just beyond our grasp ,peoples! It's not some fairy tale that only 3 people have achieved . Thousands have done it and are doing it . We have the knowledge, we have the opportunity looming before us. Will you choose to fail like so many before you have done? Or will you stand up and claim your power? Leave no stone unturned . Raw, vicious will power is the only thing that will get you there. You must be willing to bleed for it. Do you accept the challenge? Not knowing where to start or how to purify is no excuse. Start with what you do know and you will be informed. Lay your life down in service and you will start to feel the ecstasy growing and growing inside you.

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