almost 10 years ago
Tantra Explained

There came a point in my shamanic practice that I wondered: "How else can I put in work?" The only methods that i really knew of were through song and dance...chanting and movement. Plus seated meditation. These were the tools I used to extend my efforts towards gaining shamanic/psychic power. My inquiry was answered by the spirit of Lord Shiva- the Hindu diety depicted with blue skin. For a few weeks I saw him quite frequently throughout the days. His appearance itself was akin to my blossoming understanding of how I could build my personal power and tune into my own consciousness through Tantra. He showed me that using the focus of our awareness, we can work towards frequency ascension, like consciousness expansion, wherever and whenever. He showed me that ANYTHING can be used as fuel for awakening. This is Tantra- something that spiritual seekers have been practicing for thousands of years.

Tantra involved applied focus and discipline. It could be said that Tantra is about resisting your urges...and allowing fear/discomfort with acceptance and surrender. In a sense, Tantra is like an offering...a sacrafice. It opens the chakra and activates the Kundalini. Sex is just one mode of Tantra. It can be a powerful one because sex itself is so all-around exciting. The energy of the excitement and passion gets channeled towards healing and activation. Tantric sex is generally slow beacuse when you go slow, you usually have a strong desire, or urge to go harder and faster. By resisting this urge, and being delicate, you are offering up some of your own animal instincts with the intention of healing.
Seated Meditation is Tantra because as you sit cross legged and hold still, you get a strong urge to get up and do something else. The more you sit with it and allow it, the stronger your meditation becomes. When your legs so numb, or your back starts to hurt, you get extremely uncomfortable. This is when the most potential power is available for healing- as long as you don't indulge in self pity. By sitting with the pain and discomfort, you are facing up to your resistance, and therefore releasing it, which lessens your suffering and expands your power.

You could turn anythin into Tantra. Lets say you finish dinner and need to carry your dishes back to the kitchen. The most powerful Tantra is like the last thing you would want to be doing naturally- like carrying the dishes on your head while you do duck walks to the kitchen, sticking your tongue out and crossing your eyes and fingers. Your tantra will likely involve rhythmic and controlled breathing patterns. Its about applied focus and surrender. To the degree that you are willing to get your feet wet is the degree that you will know what to do in each moment to create and sustain powerful Tantra. I feel that during sessions, there is a flow to be tapped into, that will lead you to potency. Timing is key, and the more precisely you follow the flow, the blueprints for success, the farther you will get and the faster the river will flow into infinity.
Tantra can be done at anytime and will likely have you doing weird things. Its empowering to know that human evolution is in your hands, and that no special tools are required. We can all become the infinitely powerful beings that we are through good old fashioned effort. Doing something with tantric intentions is doing something in a way that probably doesent seem natural or normal. Tantra isn't what you would usually do or expect...It's usually what seems most difficult because you are confronting your resistance and fear.

There you have it- you know the nature of Tantra and can now take ascension into your own hands. Not knowing what to do is not an excuse. begin your work and let it build.

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