9 years ago
Serendipity Fae: Parallel Starwalker

“I can journey from Polaris to Octantis in a single night and flights into celestial domains are my ancient rites.” ~Ser

Genevieve (my guide) told me yesterday evening that I would preparing for contact with a being named Serendipity Fae. I was excited and loved the fun in her name so I put myself into an early sleep (I can fall asleep within 30 seconds at will) and extended my sleep time by an hour…
I awake on top of a huge, grassy hill. There are trees far below in the distance that turn into a beautiful rainforest but they are so far beneath me that nothing gets in the way of the horizon. The sky is opened up above me and I feel that I’m falling into it when I stare too long. It is sunset and I am in the middle of some sort of ritual space. There are four quartz pillars (HUGE) in each of the four directions and I feel so revitalized and energetic because of them. In the middle of the hill there is some sort of very large wheel –a couple hundred feet in diameter- but I am momentarily drawn towards an approaching figure ascending the other side of the hill.
Serendipity appears to me in a knee length gold dress. It sparkles in the sunset and it looks like something out of fairyland. Her hair is white (platinum) and falls in baby-fine wisps past her shoulders. She has gold face paint on that frames her face like a golden halo and makes her look older than she probably is. It reminds me of the shape of a phoenix. She appears to be around 16 years of age. Her eyes too are also gold and I almost squeal at the sight of them. I know she is my kindred. She skips over to where I am standing on the hill and we both sit down on the grassy hilltop.
“What race are you? You are so beautiful!” I exclaim.
Her voice sounds like ethereal wind chimes when she says, “I am Serendipity Fae! I am called Fae because I love them and because you chose to integrate that aspect of yourself into me!”
“How wonderful! I haven’t met a faery hybrid yet! Tell me, what are your excitements?”
She gets a huge grin that stretches from ear to ear (which I notice are slightly pointed) and says, “I am a Starwalker like you! I can journey from Polaris to Octantis in a single night and flights into celestial domains are my ancient rites.”
I feel at home in her words and continue the conversation telempathically. Even on earth, spoken words feel exhausting for me and when I am in a channeling state I talk extremely fast which mirrors the vibrations of the telempathic planes. In my earth life a couple of days ago I attracted to myself a song called “Serendipity” by Tina Malia and it describes Serendipity’s interaction with me in its sweet, endearing way (I love how even the “trail of gold” line mirrors Serendipity’s appearance!). Genevieve assisted me in preparing for contact by meditating with the energy of the song beforehand. I can hear it playing in the background now making these moments even more magickal for me. Telempathically Serendipity and I both connect through the understanding that our interaction is much more than just happenstance. I sense that we are about to go on a journey together and her sparkling eyes mirror my enthusiasm. As the light on the horizon sinks slightly lower, a group of blue beings appear over the hillside and begin walking towards us. One of them comes within three feet of where Ser and I are sitting. She performs a movement where she connects all of the fingers of her left hand with the tip of her thumb in a closed sort of gesture and touches it lightly to her third eye, her heart center, and finally her sacral center. Then, she takes her hand still in the same posture, swings it up past all three energy centers and moves her hand forward opening it like a flower. The Star Chief returns the gesture with his right hand slowly and respectfully. Then he turns to me and I instinctively repeat the gesture with my left hand and he returns it. As he is standing before me, I realize that he is not actually blue. He is very tan and strongly built with amazing muscle development. The blue tint is some sort of paint. In his long, straight black hair are many feathers of all sorts of sky creatures… no doubt their energy helps him ascend his consciousness through higher places. He turns and begins repeating the same gestures in turn with the other beings around him. I notice that there are fifteen others, making sixteen of the sky travelers including the Star Chief. As they continue their form of energy exchange I realize that they are offering the essence of their three dantians (centers commonly focused upon in tai chi and other arts) to each other in a beautiful way. They are saying that their three energy centers are unified. The creative power of the sacral chakra is combined with love consciousness as well as a cosmic connection through their third eye centers. Star travelers must be connected in these three centers to journey safely together. The Star Chief walks to a portion of the hillside and raises his arms to the sky. One of the other “blue” painted beings offers his hands to me and Ser and guides us to the center of the hilltop where the mysterious wheel is stationed. It is obvious that Ser has done this many times before and she climbs onto the wheel and lies down with her head in the center and feet pointing outwards. She gestures for me to do the same and we lay head to head on this wheel. I glance from side to side at this massive plate we are laying on and suddenly I realize that it is a medicine wheel! In my earth life, a Hopi Starwalker has taught me about the Hopi wheel, but this one is different. It has many more colors than the Hopi wheel and layers and layers of symbols that work their way inwards. From my vantage point I see the Star Chief beginning to perform some sort of dance. Ser communicates to me through a visual image that he is calling down the suns. Since it is sunset and only the rays of light are visible, I haven’t noticed yet that there are three of them falling below the horizon. I sort of glaze over in a peaceful, slumber-like state during this ritual and come back into myself as the night-curtain falls and the stars illuminate our bodies on the hillside. The energy changes and becomes extremely powerful. I feel like I am being sucked into the medicine wheel. The feeling is akin to G-force and I feel an incredible sense of gravity on me. The Starwalkers begin doing various poses and a dance around our wheel. I recognize some of their movements as more advanced forms of tai chi and qigong and even yoga as they accelerate the energy flow. The wheel begins to spin slowly at first and then increasingly faster and faster. I don’t feel motion sick at all but the G-force holds my body relentlessly in its place. Tonight, I see that we are directly beneath an 8 starred constellation. I think of Orion instantly (which has 8 major stars) but the arrangement is slightly different here. I hear another song I have heard in the last couple of days on earth called “Footsteps in the Stars” (I will paste the link below this writing) and it seems to increase the energy of the Starwalker’s dance. The four clear quartz crystal pillars at each corner of the hillside seem bioluminescent in and of themselves as they drink in the star energy. Ser tilts her head back and looks at me. Somehow she has the ability to raise her arm and lift the necklace resting on her chest. She holds it up for me to see and I realize that it is a clear quartz crystal about 3 inches long. I glance down and see that I have one too. I know that I am lucidly experiencing a special interaction and despite the crushing gravity, I am able to lift my quartz off of my chest too. I follow Ser’s lead as she places the crystal beneath her nose. I have to tilt my head back to see what she is doing since we are still lying head to head and our hair mixes together into one artistic matrix: light-gold and silver-white. Our crown centers are now attached. Ser holds her crystal under her nose and I can hear her breathing in my ear. She breathes in through her nose and then out through her mouth onto the crystal. Suddenly, the Starwalkers freeze in a posture that reminds me of a bird. Their arms are raised to their sides in a curved wing-like posture and one of their legs is at a bent angle with the toes pointing back towards their grounded leg. Ser and I breathe in through our noses, out through our mouths, and onto the crystals repeatedly. Our sacred breath is empowering the crystal with our personal energies and the energies flowing through us. We are drawing down the energy of these 8 stars into our crystals as the medicine wheel continues to spin. I cannot fully describe the sensations I was experiencing, though I will try to communicate fragments of it. Every cell feels alive. I see every single cell and ridge in the skin of my hand like I am looking at it under a microscope. Everything seems bioluminescent and I could swear that the Starwalkers are glowing. The sky above me spins so that the light from the stars forms various sized rings. It feels like our entire hillside is spiraling up into the heavens! I feel both weightless and held-down at the same time but I am thankful for it. I feel that if it were not for the gravity, I would be flying off into space! Every facet of my crystal is alive. I see glowing lights dancing in it and swirls of colors not seen on earth. I feel like a healing elixir is seeping through my body and it is like a cool liquid seeping through all of my pores and cells. Somewhere in my consciousness flashes an image of me twirling around with a hula hoop. I make a mental note to investigate the connection I can have with that art form and Starwalking/medicine wheels on earth when I return to my earth body. Ser and I have worked up our energy through our breathing and suddenly our wheel stops. We are hanging in this suspension of time. It feels like I am still spinning. The Starwalkers begin swaying again in their circle around us and it appears that they are doing it in slow motion. I glance back at my crystal which is glowing so brightly it hurts my eyes! Ser begins doing the gestures of the 3 dantians but after she has connected her three she touches her fingertips to the crystal and the glow begins to fade. We do this three times. I realize that we are merging our energies with the star energy we have pulled into the crystals. The glow from the crystals gently fades and as they do I see a lightening horizon around us. Dawn is coming and creeping over the hilltop. I feel like we have been here for only a few minutes and for eternity both at the same time. Ser and I sit up and climb off of the now-still medicine wheel. Our hair floats slightly rather than falling normally as if we are being affected by strong static electricity. The Starwalkers gather in a closer circle around us. Ser and I are back to back and the circle of Starwalkers simultaneously do the dantian flow and open their flowering hands to us from all angles. It is the most beautiful moment and feeling… I see that these beings live Starwalking and sacred circuits in every single moment. This is their whole excitement and reason for existing. On earth, I rarely fit in with groups… even spiritual ones… and almost never identify with my age group on some level. Here, I am completely at home. Ser and I begin to rotate. We do our dantian blessing to each individual, rotating back to back until we have saluted each and every one. Then, the Starwalkers leave and disappear into the forest far below. The sense of tribal union does not dissipate even as they exit and I carry it into my waking earth time. Ser and I repeat the dantian flow to each other and then she cups her crystal in her hand while looking towards mine. I do the same and see that we connect in this way through these crystals. She concentrates intently upon my crystal and it detaches itself from the chain around my neck and becomes very light. It probably would not be visible without the slight glow emanating from it and it hovers in front of my heart. Serendipity Fae gifts me with an ethereal quartz crystal that is translated into physical earth reality. It will be a source of connection for us when I Starwalk on earth and she does the same on her own plane of existence. She points at the sky near the horizon where three suns are rising and crosses her hand from their rising point to the opposite horizon 7 times. We will meet back here in seven days. The setting begins to fade away and I awaken in my earth body. I have a crystal grid with a ton of rose quartz, selenite, and clear quartz forming a spiraling circle pattern in my room. Chris walks in just as I am waking up and points out that all of the crystals, rather than pointing inward, are now pointing outward. My crystals and shells constantly move around during lucid awareness in other lives and dreams.
In my earth body I have been privileged to observe some of the “sun rituals” preserved and beloved by the Pueblo tribes of the southwest. Starwalking is an ancient shamanic journeying practice for traveling into the night sky. I can feel my ethereal crystal that has been supercharged with beaming energies from this parallel life experience. The tribal Starwalkers were very human-like but slightly taller. Six feet seemed to be the average height for an individual in their world. People today would probably interpret them as some form of Mayan race.

“Serendipity” : https://soundcloud.com/tinamalia/serendipity
“Footsteps in the Stars”: Our ritual music: http://music.deyadova.com/track/footsteps-in-the-stars-temple-step-project-dj-dakini-remix

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