9 years ago
Pandora: Harmony's Box

On this night I feel myself slowly easing out of my body. My upper torso leaves first and I begin to float through a tunnel that looks like the inside of a ribbed shell. For a moment I feel like I'm slipping back... someone's car horn echoes in my consciousness... but I stubbornly resist and kick my legs until I start heading forward again.
When I reach the end of the tunnel I see the most beautiful beach with a pastel sunrise and shells as big as me! I begin walking the beach and calling out to my daughter Harmony asking her where she is and to please show up! I see three rocks elevated further into the water and I automatically head for them, thinking they will be a perfect place to interact. The water is about waist deep when I reach the rocks and I pull myself up and sit in a cross legged half-lotus position. I close my eyes and wait. Suddenly I feel a presence. I open my eyes and there before me is the Sea Queen. She is beautiful in an exotic way. She has feathery antennas coming out of her head but they are solid like horns. Her upper torso is human but she has no legs that I can see... Only a very large pink-ish shell that her body extends out of. White seals are jumping around in the background playing in the sea foam. The Queen stares at me intently as if gauging my internal status. I point to myself and say: Elle. Her expression doesn't change as she draws herself back into a regal pose and says, "Pandora." As soon as she says her name a billion things come flying out of her shell... to me they appeared as a whirl of colors. My vision suddenly changed. I had a panoramic view of everything. I had peripheral vision that extended back behind my head. I could see all parts of the landscape at once from my point of view.
Pandora waited as I finished reeling from my visual freedoms. She seemed pleased that I was not frightened but she still didn't smile. I noticed how long and delicate her hands were. Her skin was lily white and almost translucent. I notice that Pandora has a vase sitting beside her. She instantly sees my curiosity and pours the vase onto the rock. Some water falls out and with it, 3 shells. I reach for the one in the middle and put it to my ear. I hear Harmony's giggling laughter on the other end. She says, "You're so funny! You were calling for me on the beach but I've been waiting for you at the other end of this call the entire time! All you had to do was pick up the phone!" She keeps laughing.
I ask, "Why aren't you here? There is a woman named Pandora who gave me the shell I'm talking to you with."
She says, "Mama you have to open your box and let me out!"
I say, "What box?"
She says, "The box that people keep telling you not to unwrap! You can't just leave presents under the tree mom! You'll never know what's in them! Open it, open it!"
I look at Pandora in question and suddenly notice there is a box in front of her hands. She looks at me almost daringly. Suddenly I have this insatiable urge to find out what is in that box at all costs. I take the box (it turns out it is made of the most beautiful smooth pearls I have ever seen) and I open it. Out flies me! Tons of me's! They surround me in different outfits. They all have my face but some of the "me's" are faded behind alien faces and I realize they are different lives I have on other planets where I do not look human. I feel so excited and amazed that I could be so many people! There must have been thousands... they floated in their ethereal shapes all across the ocean and around us. My panoramic vision drinks it all in... I can't stop smiling because the thought of not knowing everything about myself excites me. I glance back to where Pandora was sitting and there is Harmony, cross-legged, grinning from ear to ear.
I say, "Where did you come from?"
"The box! You let me out! Some of the other kids don't have moms who let them out! I love you mom! I love you I love you!" *hugs me*
I ask, "So I guess this means you are me too! Like a parallel incarnation?"
Harmony smiles and says, "I'm here to help you harmonize every single one of you!" She gestures around us where the other parts of me (us) are still floating.
I say,"You are a wonderful conductor!"
"Well, you are a beautiful Symphony."
We both laugh and I realize that the pastels are getting more sunset like. Harmony shifts her weight as if she is preparing to leave.
I ask, "Where did Pandora go?"
She says, "She never left. She is your gateway. She is the part of you that wanted to experience all of your incarnations and wanted to split up into so many parts!"
"Wow... I love what I have chosen!" As soon as I embrace these words all of my thousands of selves barrel into me at light speed swirling deep into my chest. I feel so full and powerful and strong. I am not sitting in the ocean. I AM the ocean and the edge of the ocean surf is the end of my skirt. I stand up and turn and watch the tide follow my movements. I look down at Harmony looking at me in childish glee and ask, "What about you?"
She laughs and says, "The conductor can't sit in the orchestra mama! She is a guide that helps the orchestra know what sounds best! The orchestra gets to decide everything they do but the conductor still has to help them all stay together!"
I feel so enthralled to have this part of myself acting as my guide. I see that Harmony is mothering me as much as I am mothering her. I stand up to give Harmony a hug and wish her farewell for the time being but when I stand up my rock turns into a black hole and I am sucked down into it. I wake up by slamming back into my body. I roll over in bed trying to get my bearings and feel a sharp pain in my side. There in my bed beside me is one of my shells. It was not there when I went to bed and I know it is Harmony helping me synchronize my earth and my dream life.

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