14 years ago
peak experience
life changing
Light beams shooting out of my 3 eyes and crown

I was on the 7th night of a cleanse and had been performing pranayama each morning of the cleanse. I went to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. By the time I sat down in my seat, I was having a full on spiritual/energetic experience.

The bright screen seemed really extra bright to me. I remember seeing bright white auras running along the perimeter of the people on the screen. I remember thinking that the 3D technology may be able to be used to detect auras better- to make it easier for the common man or scientist to see auras without issue. I was pleased with the costume and hair/makeup design for Alice and her mother when they were riding in the carriage. The movie was just beginning, and Alice's father was telling Alice that "all the best ones were stark, raving mad" or something like that.

I started to feel woozy and began coaching myself to relax. A part of me separated from my woozy body self and maintained composure without becoming ill. I had to do my best to completely zone out of the movie and just be with myself and focus on my breathing. I let out some oms and did some breathing. I repeated to myself "I am safe, I am happy, I am warm" or something along those lines, because I was starting to feel the associated fear feeling that accompanies every thought.

I saw a bright beam of conical light shooting out of my third eye. It was smaller at my forehead and grew larger as it got farther from me. There were thick spiraling rings of energy within the conical beam, rotating in and away from my third eye. Thick beams of white light streamed out from each of my eye sockets and flew straight forward. Time must have slowed down significantly around this time.

At this point and for several hours to come, my body self felt like a mix between a panic attack, terrible food poisoning, and an intense Godhead psychedelic experience. I was tripping out on many things, among which a strong desire to get warm. I was aware that I was very high and having an incredible spiritual/physical experience.

My body went deadly cold and my fingers crinkled up and it was very very difficult to get myself to move. Every cell in my body seemed to be expanding and exploding at once, and vibrating almost violently. Part of it reminded me of the way felt that way once before when I had an overdose on glass (high grade meth) as a teenager and was paralyzed alone in a friends basement for many hours. On the other hand, I had my sober observer self helping and coaching me every step of the way.

I started to go into an energetic volley between lower and high vibrations. Hot and cold, breathing or not breathing, red or blue. Parallel opposites passed by my contemplation when I was able to conceive of anything at all. I was starting to get to the point where I could not really think about anything without it making me considerably more nauseous. It was all I could do to maintain consciousness. My body seemed to want to roll my eyes back in my head, go limp, and pass out and quit breathing. The fight to keep my consciousness associated enough with my body to keep it alive seemed all consuming at times.

I was tripping out that if I relaxed entirely (which did start to seem like it would make me feel better) than I would go into shock and die. I thought my body may have gone into starving mode, or OD'd on the hash somehow. Nausea hit in big waves and it was all I could do to keep breathing and sitting there. It hadn't occurred to me at that point that my breathing was the paramount parallel to this situation.

When I had scared thoughts, I could coach myself out of them for the most part, but that didn't seem to help for very long. It seemed like I had to keep calm and focus on keeping myself alive and cared for, because I felt it was just about outside my control and I could pass out and have to be taken to the hospital. I remembered my friend Abbey having to be taken to the hospital when we were kids, and knew I must keep calm and cared for enough not to end up going to the hospital. I remember also thinking that this was somewhat like how I felt the first time I smoked herb.

I realized I had better get outside and away from the public. Part of what was stressing me out was that I was in public and could not freely moan and move about or throw up or have the comfort or have the comfort and safety of being home. I finally turned to John and let him know that I was incredibly sick. He motioned that I could go throw up outside the back door if needed. I asked him to go outside with me and get the keys. I remember I would keep having waves of thoughts and everything that was stressing me when I allowed it entry- like a panic attack. I just couldn't handle interaction or thoughts/feelings or even being watched by John.

I remember my eyes rolling back in my head. Angels and devils energies were present, redder conglomerate of energy of one shoulder and bluer on the other. It was warm vs cold at that point, and cold seemed relaxing but also on the way to death. Both warm and cold feelings, once achieved, were not ending up curing the situation. I started to become I aware that I would just be in the throws of energy shifts for a while and needed to buckle down and get as comfortable as possible. This was definitely not something that was dying down. Relaxing and/or warming up both just seemed to be hurdles and not particularly help or hurt anything.

I felt like I was in shock or dying or something. John took me out to the car and started it so I could be warm. Walking to the car helped sober me but then John had to drive the car around the parking lot in circles and waves to find a good parking spot, and that made me super woozy again. John went back into the movie theater to get a refund for our tickets. When he got back, I threw up hardcore outside of the car. At that point he said to get in the front seat so I could throw up easily cause he was taking me home. I was so relieved. I wanted to go home badly but was holding out as much as I possibly could for his sake.

The day before I tripped I was having this firm realization that I was tired of doing anything outside of my best ability. I'm overhauling my life in all it's aspects, and I feel like it just ended up too much, too fast. Too much stimulus and challenges. I felt like the psychedelic experiences was partly a progression from the breathing exercises I had been doing, as though I was popping through the roof of my own consciousness.

I remembered George saying something about "look out for that 7th night" after starting breathing exercises, but couldn't remember if he said it in a dream or over gchat. Later I figured out it must have been a dream. He insinuated that something drastic may happen on the 7th or 8th day, but that he didn't want to influence my decision so I should try to forget he said that until after that period of time. I seemed to agree to do so. In my memory, George was standing in a white plane, white behind him and that he was sort of standing on. I was sitting or was lower than him in eye sight anyway.

On the way home a thirst grew in me the likes of which I never felt. I felt as though I may be dying of thirst, drying up. It was incredible. All I wanted in the world was to be surrounded by water.

While I was having this tripping experience, I had to make all sorts of promises to myself to resolve different stresses in my life in this or that way. It seemed important to agree to do this or that, more important than actually following the path- I had to acknowledge the most protective answer in order to be able to make a sound choice one way or the other.

When I got home, I stumbled as quickly as I could into the house and upstairs bathroom. This was a very difficult task and my handles were still crumpled straight fingered and very difficult to operate. I peeled off all my clothes and sat down in the shower and let the water come down on me. Before that I attempted to drink water out of the sink and John stopped me and got me clean water to drink. I was so thirsty I didn't really care. I remember I was still coaching and talking to myself, telling me that I was okay and fine.

My perspective raised up a little bit and I saw that I looked like one of those people in the movies- after they have a psychotic break or deep shock and then go into the show all crazy. I have seen that in several movies now- the broken person sits in the shower all freaked out and dazed and then has to go to a mental hospital. That was me, in the flesh. I worried that I was one of those people that couldn't handle the rapid growth of this accelerated time and consciousness, and would be one of those that went crazy or died or something. I don't think that is true anymore. It was a warning though. "Pace yourself, Marisa. Don't try to do too much at once because you can't and it will kill you. Slow down, prioritize, stick to your guns. Don't just work, plan first." There was too much happening for me to handle, and I buckled under the pressure. Everything that brought my attention also brought me stress, something that I apparently needed to acknowledge.

John asked me if I wanted to get in the bath instead of sitting in the shower. The logic in that was apparent so I forced myself to turn off the shower so he could fill up the tub. I remember being thankful over and over that I had just cleaned the toilet and bathroom, cause I had to hug the toilet several times and it would have been uber gross if the bathroom was dirty. Just considering it being dirty, even though it wasn't, made me feel very sick. I threw up, drank water, threw up again, etc.

I sat in the tub and began to calm down. It was something were I had to use my core ability to get mad and growl and become strong to repel the illness. I use what strength I had to howl at my illness in between my moans and cries of despair, and waves of stillness and nausea. The agony was intense in spots, but it was possible to come though the other side. Calling up that primal force strength helped, I am sure.

John wanted to take a picture of me while I was laying in the tub, and I realized he thought I looked sexy. This brought incredible waves of nausea and hyperventilation. I tried to maintain, but also ended up throwing up a few times due that that.

I realized I could fall asleep eventually if I got in to bed, and that I was pretty sure I wouldn't die if I went to sleep naturally in bed. I made my way slowly, doing that drink water/throw up routine several more times before making the trek from the bathroom to my bed. I went to sleep shortly after getting into bed. I think I was relieved and exhausted and passed out. Anything that brought me stress made me sick. I knew I could write everything down in the morning, and I did, plus coming to know and write the following:

I become further committed to sorting out my life piece by piece and turn it to excellence in every way I can. What an incredibly trippy experience- relax, but don't die! Yoyo. I was talking to myself, coaching me through for a lot of the time. There was at least two of me present. I became relaxed many times by John's presence, and also became relaxed when I thought of George. Thats the mark of true, great friends. The best of friends.

The next day and for subsequent days, there has been a very firm change in how my energy system looks. It seemed as though I took some sort of energetic shotgun and blew my brains straight out. Where there was a white stream of energy about the thickness of my wrist coming up out of the crown of my heading, there is now and opening that is at least three times as large and sits more like a crown than a cord now. It may be becoming less dense or more relaxed now. I think it is healing, along with my third eye and eye sockets. They have been feeling somehow energetically sore.

Then, I went over to Geoff's new house and retold the gist of this experience to Geoff and one of his roommates... I explained that I saw an intense vortex of swirling white light shooting out of my third eye, I saw long white beams coming straight out of my eyes, I got super nauseous for hours and hours, felt like an energetic shotgun blast went threw my crown chakra and severely widened it, and that now I see my crown chakra as being roughly the shape and size of a crown around the ridge of the top of my head. She said that I had a kundalini rising spike from my base out my crown, and explained to me that she had an experience that sounded just like it and that my experience was somewhat common for the most part.

When I examined my body a week or so later, it felt as though there is another eye, larger than the two I am used to, residing in the middle ish of my forehead. It occupies space and I can tell because I feel the area surrounding the eye have pressure and be pushed back upon when I attempt to energetically contract my forehead, or vertically blink my larger third eye. It is a subtle sensation, but detectable.

It feels good and flowing to imagine the eye as being true, and sends rushes of energy from the edges of my forehead into the pathways of the 3rd eye. My eyes feel larger and more lit up, and on top of my head is a (now comfortable) white crown- very soft, very subtlely detectable.

About 2-4 days after the experience the size of the crown became less distracting. At first there seemed to be an extra weight around the top of my head in a circular crown shape, and I could sort of energetically see a big white crown stretching out upwards. My body self feels more protected and at peace and "energetic". Life continues as it did before in terms of facts, but some things are different, and for some reason it seems that the source zone of the change has something to do with my temples.

As I transcribe this experience to Dreamcatcher now, several months later, I note that my life was wonderfully altered by this experience. I honor it and am thankful for it.

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