over 13 years ago
Alien Invasion, All Nighter, Injustices, Sting Operation

All 4 of this strong dream stories happening in the same 1-2 REM cycles. Their order is possibly scrambled.


It was the middle of the day, downtown in a major city. I heard this completely new sound, sort of like a worble and a screech and a hum all put together. Everybody poured outside or to the windows from every building. It was a partially cloudy day, and through the gaps in the clouds I saw this gigantic black ship with lights passing at an unnatural pace overhead. The closest thing I've ever seen to it was the mother ship in Independence Day, though this ship was far more real, dynamic, and gorgeous. It was beautiful.

I started cheering loudly and ran about excitedly. It was a beautiful, gigantic ship. Nothing that could be faked, as far as I could tell. I also intuitively felt like it wasn't necessarily a war ship, which was an amazing relief. The sheer novelty of it was deeply, jubilantly exciting.

I cruised back inside and kept looking at it in the window. A train passed shortly thereafter, and I thought it was more aliens and briefly got even more excited. I darted to the big windows of the building I was in, yelling "More! Theres more!" but it turned out to be just a modern train. I was still excited. :)

There was a deeply freeing sensation in the air, as though at last our planet was to live in a irrevocably new paradigm.


(last night we stayed up late working on DC)

After working from night time til it was broad daylight on a project, Phong was finishing up the last touches as George and I gathered the physical equipment needed to make the project presentation more impressive. I think the project had to do with the Image Bank- because I remember thinking "another image bank dream, eh" as I was first waking up. There was long table for a presentation, George and I were opening it together and Phong was helping. There was a new piece of machinery that we were going to include.

The project had some echoes of a photo shoot I did for my clothing line in January. I remember looking at photos from the local goods marketplace that I had orchestrated in the dream (reminiscent of the Epic Loot Guild, an art guild I am a part of). I was looking at the photos in order to gain perspective.

I told myself, "often it is the creator who has by far the least favorable opinion of a project. When the creator goes back and looks at it later, it actually looks a lot better, a lot more impressive, and the creator can gain valuable perspective in this way." So, I checked out pictures chronicling work I was in charge of and sure enough, they were interesting and beautiful.

There were a lot of partially naked sci-fi chicks, which seemed natural at the time. I take that element to be a nod to the fact that I've been doing quite a lot of Google searches, and, no matter what the search term, there are usually at least a couple half naked women in the results.


Abolishing racism

We had been up all night building a presentation, and this woman came in wanting to give us a presentation on injustices around the world. We could not turn down the opportunity even though it was 7 in the morning or so, and our presentation was at noon, and we still had to catch some shut eye.

She played short videos on different injustices that were occurring. We were suddenly on this big, long landing strip with a cliff on one side and a projector screen floating on the edge of the cliff. As she was revealing a woman's rights injustice occurring in a developing country, I let her know she had 5-10 minutes max before I would have to say her presentation was concluded, in order to allow my team to get some sleep.

The last presentation was on racial inequality in the US and all over the world. It focused on Africans, and how in the US and abroad racism and favoritism among ethnic groups is alive and well, and that we are in the time and position to truly embrace equality and settle the score once and for all. There were several African Americans on my team, and they and I all moved over to the screen in order to pay close attention.

She was making good points, and we were rallying behind her and getting progressively more excited as she opened the door and shone light on the injustices occurring and the path to dissolving them into light. I moved so I could stand right in front of the screen and give it my full attention. My team members and I looked at each other, solidly creating a posse in order to help this new, truly free reality come into play.


A sting operation wherein 3-4 highly trained law enforcement officers were taking down a big time drug dealer who had become an addict. I was a female cop that was meant to take the position of the last surprise agent- the most dangerous post. My other team members were in place in a kitchen and I was the last one in the kitchen, effectively closing in our intended target.

She had a gun, and it was my job to disarm her while the other officers had her trapped. I had a knife, and attempted to use it to trick the gun out of her hands. Instead, she was able to hold on to it and squeeze off a few shots before being disarmed. This whole part went on in slow motion, and the woman I was inhabiting was slain. She took 2 bullets over the course of a short few seconds, unable to hide from the blasts due to a barrier that her assailant shot through.

I felt like I was operating the body and perspective of that law enforcement woman, but was not necessarily her. The enactment that I experienced seemed to be a review of what had occurred at a previous time.

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