almost 12 years ago
The beginning of Channeling Mira

With the salt water scrying session I had over a month ago, I couldn't explain what had happened. I never felt that way before, but it felt similar to when I go into cardiac arrest. (arrhythmia disorder that's needed me to have a defibrillator/pacemaker). Recently I've been asked to join an Intuitive Reader in her shop to practice my massage and crystal healings. Who can say no to that! I myself, as an intuitive, new this journey was going to open me up to more. Much much more. There we have a private group meditation every other Sunday. This experience I had was the Sunday before last 6/3/12 *Right before the full moon with Venus in transit. To start, the morning of 6/3/12 I was at my desk in my healing room looking out to the beautiful Ozark Mountains and the clouds so puffy (like the Simpsons). I call to the Galactic Family and tell them I'm ready to help in which ever way I can. I haven't had contact with them for a good week and I was opening myself up for any type of contact. An hour goes by and I have this sudden NEED to speak. I started to speak, but not in my voice. More of a low, subtle voice I said "This is Mira of Pleiades, the Galactic Federation of Light. Are you OK with this? . . . Just breathe. *My eyes got HUGE, I'm sure and I couldn't believe what I just said and how I said it! I then finally breathe* Continue to do what you're doing. Keep up with the youtube videos. Blessed Be. I love you. Good bye. I didn't know how to take this! I felt crazy. Why would I just say something like that?! Later that day we have the private group meditation and I tell the group my experience. They all confirmed it was Mira. As we are about 10/15 minutes into the Meditation with the Galactic Family I start to feel myself drop, my head gets fuzzy and my whole body starts to feel weird as I do right before I go into cardiac arrest (but a little different feeling). I then start to lose ALL control of my body! (was i seizing?!). One of the women in the group then asks out loud "Mira, are you here with us?" I started to speak and it was the same voice from earlier! That low, subtle voice. I said "I'm fighter her". My heart went into my tummy. I WAS SCARED! I did fight her off. She was trying to come into my body! I think she is literally bigger than me. *tall* I eventually breathed my way out of it. I've never had that experience that tense. I now have my group meditation this Sunday and we are going to try again to contact and Channel Mira. I'm not afraid anymore. I know now what I need to do. She told me it was like throwing up; if you fight it, you feel worse. If you just do it, it's then over and done with. I still talk with her, but have not yet let her back into my body. I will keep you posted on how my next experience goes. Will I be teleported to the ship? Will she come into my body to pass along any messages? who knows :) But I'm now excited to find out.

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