almost 9 years ago
The Shapeshifting Crow -Astral Projection

June 23 2015

I was walking down the street during the day time with a friend, I had all this pent up energy inside of me. I through my arms up once in awhile, and lightening would shoot around in the clouds. I was very excited and told my friend about it. He turned around and I tried to show him but it wouldn't work.

I'm sitting at a table with my Dad, the walls were green and we were on the bottom floor of a house. The window was wooden framed and the size of a small bed, in front of us. I still felt very powerful, and wanted to show my Dad this. I pointed at the window, a crow was there, it became fluffy like a baby crow. I spoke to it like a crow, and the crow appeared to be saying, "YA! YA!". I felt like I was channeling energy to the crow, then I noticed behind it the most creepiest masked being. He had a large white mask, kind of like the one from saw but more female. It was a witch like face, with gaunt cheek bones and sunken eyes, with a pointy chin. Black rotten hair slung over it in patches. It had a white gown on as well, and held something like a staff. I had this bad feeling about it, as it was creeping towards me. The crow was yelling so loud at this point, pecking his beak against the window. The window started to smash. I was too afraid to face this thing, so I got myself out of there as soon as possible.
In between being asleep and awake I felt bad for doing that. I should have not been afraid, I should have helped the crow and faced this evil thing. Maybe I wasn't ready or maybe the crow did not need help and was with this being.

I floated out of my body, and went to my friends place to see if I can test out the projection. I flew towards his place, but it was different. As I was climbing up to the window of his editing room, I found myself having glimpses of shelves with toys on them. I continued to climb up, thrown off by the shelf visions, I was fading out. I saw him for a split second, and he turned his head over. I woke up.

When I woke up, a little hesitant as to what I might face this round, I tried again. As I was floating out, I regretted the hesitancy, as that alone could make my experience negative. Nonetheless I float out. This time I was not in control of where I went, the wind must have brought me here I thought, as it always does. I like to think of this wind as my higher self or a guide perhaps.

So there I was standing in a room, the room was beige and the windows were framed with a cedar. It was a tiny room, almost like a mini watchtower. The window was the type you pushed open. A raven landed on this window, yelling and shouting. My friend was there beside me, not fully conscious, kind of like a zombie. I said to him, "He must be hungry! Go get some food!". The raven shoved himself through the small crack, he had something in his mouth. He gave it to me. It was a little mussel. I opened it and inside was it's dried innards. Almost like it was out in the sun and it became this little crispy dried meat. I handed it over to the raven in a panic, trying to get it to calm down. It just stared at it and turned its head sideways. I yelled at my friend, "GO get him food now!." Stunned, he leaped a little and quickly ran downstairs. He was taking so long, and at this point the raven was really going nuts. It hoped on my back and turned white. It grew large and heavy, and I decided to go downstairs with it to find my friend with the food.
I waddled down, growing tired and weak, I saw a couch and fell on it. The raven leaped off, and chose a spot on my right to watch me carefully. A crow landed on my arm, an arm that was already injured from a fall when I nearly fainted on the streets the day before. It began to tear it apart, ripping through it. I began to try wake myself up, but a memory was triggered. I have to let this crow continue to hurt me.

The shapeshifting initiation is what might be happening to me I thought. I remembered hearing about it on a youtube video. The animal must do this to you and then it will place it's gifts in your wound. So I let the crow tear away. The pain was excruciating, like my whole arm was about to be torn away. I felt like I was spiralling in this pain. At one point I even saw myself laying on the couch in pain and agony, clutching my wrist, slowly spinning. As the crow ceased, I grabbed the crow. I was so mad at it that it hurt me so bad. I wasn't even thinking of what I was doing. I broke the crow's leg off, and placed it in my wound. For a second, I wondered what the heck is a leg going to do for me. Then I thought, I want to fly, so I tore a tip of its wing off and placed it in my wound. It was very easy to tear these parts off this crow, it was in a frozen dried state with its wings partially open and his head turned sideways. It was like he too, became crispy and dry from the sun. The whole time this was happening I felt the ravens eyes on me. I was in pain and upset. I through what was left of the crow towards him and woke up.


1) The lightening at the beginning of the dream was much like the story I heard on youtube, only I did not remember consciously that it was told as well with lightening at the beginning. It was not until I found the clip again and listened that he too had lightening as well. I paused it right away and started to write this dream down. Here is the clip:

2) As I was writing this, I realized the mussel and the crow and how dry they were. Crispy to the point that I could crunch it to pieces with my fist. The raven offered me this mussel, possibly foreshadowing the next gift he would give me. What does the mussel symbolize? Possibilities: Muscle? lol..
According to this link, the mussel is associated with the moon to the Chinese. Aphrodite is seen standing upon it as well. Mussel is also associated with the fertile sea.
It makes sense to me that the Raven was handed me the mussel, if it symbolizes the moon. It is the dark side of yin and yang, the side of magic, female energy and so on.
Perhaps it was giving me this powerful gift. I must have felt hesitant to receive it, as I tried to hand it back (at least the dried out innards). But why was this gift dried out? I did associate it with the fact that maybe it was dried out too long in the sun. This could signify that there is balance in this gift of the sun's (male, light energy, the physical) signature but embodying the moon.

Inside the moon was the sun's signature. (If that makes sense)

Me trying to hand back the dried part might also signify my hesitancy to accept the sun's signature in my life. I tend to be darker and negative more than positive. The raven could have been showing me that I need a balance, and I was subconsciously refusing to change. In the end at least I accepted it and kept it with me.


3) Why did I feel like I had to break off these parts forcefully? Why the leg first?

4) Even though this could be seen as just a dream to some people, to me it holds significance. I will always believe that dissecting dreams is important. It really can help you change perspectives and realize what is hurting you inside. It can be like a councillor in a way.

5) Raven and crow and shapeshifting:
"Raven is also about shapeshifting and mysticism. A shapeshifter is one that knows that this Earth walk is an illusion and that one, if one believes it, can travel through space and time in the blink of an eye to appear in any form that is appropriate to bring help and healing to another. Many who carry Raven medicine often appear younger than their years, another ability of shapeshifting. Raven medicine is both very Neptunian in that it feels very intensely what others are truly thinking and feeling, and Plutonian as it sees that which most would prefer to ignore. Both are crucial for learning how to shapeshift either the self or reality, for shapeshifting is the awareness of other levels of reality besides this one. For if a person refuses to see what is how can he or she change anything? Raven teaches us how to look at what we are experiencing in a whole new way and thus adapt to what is while working towards a more positive future. Ravens are clairvoyant, they carry messages from Spirit to those who are willing to hear and follow through on what they are shown. That is why so many Raven people feel isolated and alone, they know at any moment Spirit may call upon them to leave everything behind in order to work for the good of the whole. This is why when a Raven person makes a friend, they are loyal for life as they understand the true value of friendship and want to honour and enjoy every moment they have with those they love."

July 2, 2015

Today I went to the restaurant with my friend and I ordered mussels, while we were sitting on the patio. I ordered mussels, and asked them to be cooked well, because sometimes they taste to raw at restaurants.
After the server left, a crow landed on the fencing of the patio. It's mouth was wide open the whole time. It hopped along the railing stumbling a little every now and then. I pointed it out to my friend and we watched it. When the server came back, it flew away.

2 blocks from my friends place there was also a crow yelling at me, he swooped down on me, just grazing my head. I turned back and watched him. Another girl walked by and he didn't do anything.
The next day I showed where it happened to my friend. I noticed the house behind it was green with wooden edges.

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